Hays Student Center
Student Success Center

COSI Finish What You Started Grant

COSI Finish What You Started Grant
Application for Summer 2023 & Fall 2023

The COSI “Finish What You Started” Grant is an award of the State of Colorado from funds provided by the American Rescue Plan Act that provides direct and indirect support to students who have completed some college, but have not yet earned a degree. Eligible students will have previous college credit, but stopped out for at least two consecutive semesters or are first time students who were admitted in the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school years but did not enroll in 2020-2021 . Eligible students have also experienced an economic loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are a limited number of awards available.

Recipients of this award will receive $1,000.00 in scholarship money to be applied to Spring 2023 or Summer and/or Fall 2023 tuition costs. An additional $1,000.00 is available for financial assistance for the cost of attendance.

* indicates a required field

COSI FWYS Attestation Statement (CRITERIA 04.01.22)

If you would like assistance in completing the below attestation, please contact Vanessa.Soliz@njc.edu

I attest that I have experienced an economic loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic or suffered another form of economic loss

You will now be asked to review three criteria that have been provided by the COSI FWYS grant funding source. We have provided links to resources to help you best answer these questions. You do not need to meet ALL of these criteria. We are seeking to identify which of these three criteria you do meet. If you do NOT meet any of these criteria, please don't be discouraged. If you need additional assistance in completing this form, please contact Vanessa.Soliz@njc.edu

Criterion 1: My Address on File with Northeastern Junior College is in a Qualified Census Tract (see instructions below)

Qualified Census Tract


  • Click on the above link for the Qualified Census Tract website. 
  • Enter your current address and then click "GO" (Your current address should be the same address on file with Arapahoe Community College)
  • After the map shows your location, then on the left side of the screen, click inside the box next to "Color QCT Qualified Tract" 
  • If your address is located inside the purple shaded area, your address is located within a Qualified Census Tract, you may select YES on this question. (If you have a vision disability or are having trouble interpreting this image, please reach out to Vanessa Soliz at 970-580-2372 for assistance). 
Criterion 2: I meet one of the following income criteria (see instructions below)


  • Click on the link for the 2022 federal poverty guidelines. Utilizing the chart to identify the number of people in your household, move across the chart to the column identified as 300%
    • If your income is at or below this dollar amount, then check the box next to the statement "My household annual income is at 300% of the federal poverty guidelines or less (based on family size). 
    • For example, if you have 2 children and yourself in your household, and your annual income is $69,090 or less, then you would qualify under this criterion. 
  •  Click on the link for the Area Median Income (AMI) for my county.   Locate your county in the chart and utilizing the number of individuals in your household, locate the 2022 adjusted home income limits. 
    • If your income is at or below this dollar amount, then check the box next to the statement "My household is considered 'low income' or below based on the Area Median Income (AMI) for my count" 
    • For example, if you have 2 children and yourself in your household, and you live in Logan County and annual income is $59,200 or less, then you would qualify under this criterion 
  • Click on the link for the FAFSA estimator.  Click on the START button and enter the requested information. 
  • On the last screen, you will see an "ESTIMATED EFC" - which is the estimated expected family contribution towards your college education. If this amount is $5846 or less for the 2021/22 academic year or less than $6,206 for the 2022/2023 academic year, you would qualify under this criterion.
Criterion 3: I had another economic loss due to COVID-19, and I did not fill out a FAFSA or CASFA. Check all that apply

If you have indicated that you qualify under Criteria 3, then additional documentation may be needed. A secure exchange of this information will be further discussed with you, should this be your identified criteria).

Select all that apply:
My educational goals are:
Type of need (check all that apply)
i.e. Computer, Internet, etc
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Cindy Carey
Student Guidance Coordinator
970-571-0131 (mobile)
Hays Student Center-104
Cindy Carey
Kelly Kuntz
Education to Career Coordinator
Hays Student Center
Kelly Kuntz
Jaecey Nichols
Student Success Specialist
Hays Student Center
Jaecey Nichols
Andrea Orin
Director of Student Success, Equity and Inclusion
Hays Student Center
Andrea Orin
Vanessa Soliz
Finish What You Started Coordinator
970-521-6672 (mobile)
Hays Student Center
Vanessa Soliz
Andrea Wasson
Administrative Assistant III
Hays Student Center 104
Andrea Wasson