

By registering for classes or authorizing charges to be added to your account, you represent to us that you have the intention and ability to pay and you promise to pay for all charges placed on your account as well as any service fees or collection agency fees, if any, that may be due. This includes subsequent registrations for this term and any part of term within this term of registration. It also includes 100% of the tuition and fees for all withdrawn courses.

Failure to pay tuition and fees will result in a hold being placed on a student's account.  This hold will be placed the day following the census date for the current semester.  The hold will not allow a student to register for additional classes.  Please note: Students who have set up a NBS Payment Plan will be able to register for additional classes.

Student Account activity is available electronically via the student portal. In addition, the college may send electronic billing statement notices to the student's college-issued email address on record. The college may also send paper billing statements to the student’s physical address on record with the college of attendance, but is not required to do so. Failure by a student to view their Student Account or receive any billing statement does not constitute valid grounds for waiving late payment penalties, collection fees, or registration holds.

The college will refund 100% of your tuition & fees  for a particular term if you officially drop by the census date for a semester. You can find the census dates for your current semester on our  Academic Calendars.

Collections: Northeastern will refer student accounts to an outside collection agency, if the balance is not paid for by the following term in which the balance was incurred.  Any accounts that have a balance over $0 for the previous term will be submitted to an outside agency and a 30% collection fee will be added to the balance incurred. 

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER FOR THE 2022-23 SCHOOL YEAR: During the 2022-23 academic year, some or all of the instructional formats may change due to an emergency situation affecting college operations, public safety, or public health, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Tuition and fees are charged at the beginning of the semester and will remain in place regardless of any changes in instructional format. Tuition and fees will not be refunded in the event the curriculum delivery format changes for any part of the 2022-23 academic year.

Room and Board Disclaimer for the 2022-23 School Year: Room, board, and meal plan charges will not be refunded in the event that a student elects to move off-campus for reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited to changes in instructional format.

Cost Calculator

Payment Options


Pay your bill online by logging in to your Access NJC account and Clicking the Pay My Bill icon.

By Mail

Make your check payable to NJC and send it to:
Northeastern Junior College
Attn: Cashier's Office
100 College Ave.
Sterling, CO 80751

By Phone

Credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) are accepted over the phone by calling the cashier at 970-521-6728, (Toll Free – 1-800-626-4637 & request cashier.)  You will need to have the credit card number, expiration date and security code available.

In Person

Payments can be made by cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) at the Cashier's office is located in the Hays Student Center room 102 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. View Campus Directions and a Campus Map.

Financial Aid

Verification of payment by financial aid is complete only when the student has received an award letter of funds, other than work-study, sufficient to cover the student’s cost of tuition & fees. Students must complete the master promissory note and entrance loan counseling in order for loans to be disbursed on the students account. Contact the Financial Aid office with questions by calling 970 521 6800 

Third Party

If tuition and fees are to be paid by a third party, students must provide a copy of the authorization to the Cashier at the time of registration.  The cashier office will bill any third party sponsors. However, ultimately it is still the students’ responsibility to make sure all account balances are paid in full. 

Student & Alumni Profiles

Brenden Gunwall
Student Profile
Brenden Gunwall

I'm inspired by the amount of knowledge I don't know.

Daniel Knight
Student Profile
Daniel Knight

Seeing how the NJC shop compared to his high school shop was mind blowing.

Photo of Lars Walczyk, from Germany
Student Profile
Lars Walczyk, Germany

The teachers and office workers WANT to help you to achieve your goals. That's also the reason why I actually like to go to classes, because it's important for me to combine fun and learning.


Cindy Piper
Accounting Technician II
Hays Student Center- 102
Cindy Piper
Annie Shalla
Director-Fiscal Services
Hays Student Center- 102
Annie Shalla