Culture fair

Campus Map & Directions

Map of Northeastern Junior College campus

Driving directions to campus

Driving directions from I-76:

  • If you are arriving via I-76, take exit 125 and proceed west 1.5 miles toward Sterling on U.S. Highway 6. Continue over the railroad pass.
  • Immediately after traveling over the railroad overpass, turn right on North 3rd Street.
  • Proceed north on North 3rd Street 0.5 mile in the center lane to a fork in the road that has a stoplight. Take the left fork which is Sidney Avenue.
  • Proceed north on Sidney Avenue 0.3 mile to Landrum Lane, and turn right.
  • Proceed east on Landrum Lane 0.2 mile to Northeastern Way, and turn right. This street is between Whyman Hall and the college library.
  • Proceed 100 yards to the parking lot. Upon arrival at the Hays Student Center (east/left of the parking lot), visit the Office of Admission in office 102.

Driving directions from Highway 14:

  • If you are arriving via Highway 14, the highway turns into West Main Street in Sterling.
  • Proceed on West Main Street to 3rd Street and turn left. 3rd Street is almost at the end of West Main Street in the downtown area across from the court house.
  • Proceed north on North 3rd Street 0.7 mile in the center lane to a fork in the road that has a stoplight. Take the left fork which is Sidney Avenue.
  • Proceed north on Sidney Avenue 0.3 mile to Landrum Lane, and turn right.
  • Proceed east on Landrum Lane 0.2 mile to Northeastern Way, and turn right. This street is between Whyman Hall and the college library.
  • Proceed 100 yards to the parking lot. Upon arrival at the Hays Student Center (east/left of the parking lot), visit the Office of Admission in office 102.


Callie Lauer
Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator
Hays Student Center
Callie Lauer
Camille Rose
Director - Admission/Recruitment
Hays Student Center- 105
Camille Rose
Sarah Stone-Robinson
International Student Coordinator
Hays Student Center-105
Sarah Stone Robinson