Reasons for appeal (check the applicable reason):

Information message

Must include the following items in your appeal for reasons #1-3:
  • A personal statement to include the following:
    • Explanation of the circumstance(s) that prevented the student from successfully meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards
    • How the situation has been resolved
    • Your plan to enable future success
  • Supporting documentation of the circumstance(s) referenced in the personal statement
  • If no documentation is available, address the reason in the personal statement
Must include the following items in your appeal for reason #4: 
  • A personal statement and/or supporting documentation explaining your academic situation and plan for success
  • Printout of Student Degree Check (Accessible in your Student Access Account, under the “student” tab, and on the left hand side, the link for “degree check”)
Must include the following items in your appeal for reason #5: 
  • A personal statement regarding your academic plan for an additional degree or certificate
  • A copy of student Degree Check
  • Meet with an Academic Advisor and complete a Measurable Academic Progress form
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100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Information message

Please read the statements below:
  • I understand that my complete appeal MUST be received at least two weeks prior to the end of the term in order to be considered for reinstatement for the current term.
  • I understand that my Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal will be reviewed based upon the information and documentation provided in the submission.
  • I understand if my appeal is incomplete, no decision will be made.
  • I understand all appeal decisions will be mailed to the contact information listed above.

By signing this document, I certify that the information is complete, true and accurate.  I understand that purposely providing false or misleading information could result in criminal prosecution, prison sentence, and/or a fine pursuant to U.S. Criminal Code and Colorado Criminal Code.
I agree to the terms above.
Sign above