Living on campus

Herboldsheimer (Herbie) Hall

147 College Avenue Sterling, CO 80751

Located on the east side of campus, Herbie Hall is popular with our rural and agricultural students. This dorm is next to Beede Hamil, which is where many of the agriculture classes are held. With up to 77 students living in Herbie, it could be your perfect home away from home!
Herboldsheimer (Herbie) Hall

Herbie Hall is most commonly known on campus as being the "Ag" dorm and is located very closely to Beede Hamil, where many of the agricultural classes are held. Herbie Hall residents form a type of family on campus and are commonly found hanging out in the lobby playing pool or outside. If you walk through the building while students are there, many of them will leave their boots out in front of their door next to their welcome mats. 

Herbie Hall houses up to 77 students and is located on the east side of campus. Each room features two stationary desks, closets, and storage. Herbie Hall has one main first floor lobby and two small lounges located on the second and third floors.

Features of Herbie Hall:

  • Double occupancy rooms (community bathrooms)
  • Co-ed by floor
  • A lounge equipped with a TV and a pool table
  • Wi-Fi in all rooms and common areas
  • Wired internet connections (ethernet cable not provided)
  • Free laundry facilities
  • Extra-long, height-adjustable, bunkable beds (Twin XL: 39" x 80")
  • Indoor mailboxes
  • Secured building with key/ID access

ADA Compliance

Arrangements may be made in the residence halls for specific disabilities after the disability is disclosed to Northeastern's Residence Life Office.