Living on campus

Williams Hall

619 Landrum Lane Sterling, CO 80751

Williams Hall is our newest remodeled residence hall, renovated as of Spring 2019! Williams Hall houses up to 135 students and is located on the west side of campus.
Williams Hall

Williams Hall is one of our recently remodeled residence halls on campus and is home to students from a wide variety of different backgrounds. This hall allows students to branch out and connect with each other, as well as with students in GRB Hall since the two halls share a lobby and lounge/study area. The study area offers students the ability to watch TV, use the computers, or cook a meal in the kitchen. 

Features of Williams Hall:

  • Double occupancy rooms (community bathrooms)
  • Co-ed by floor
  • Main lobby with study area
  • A second floor lounge equipped with a TV
  • Wi-Fi in all rooms and common areas
  • Wired internet connections (ethernet cable not provided)
  • Free laundry facilities
  • Extra-long, height-adjustable, bunkable beds (Twin XL: 39" x 80")
  • Moveable furniture (to personalize your room)
  • Elevator
  • Indoor mailboxes
  • Secured building with key/ID access

ADA Compliance

Limited access is possible to Williams Hall and Poole Hall for visitors. Arrangements may be made in the other residence halls for specific disabilities after the disability is disclosed to Northeastern's Residence Life Office.