Hot rods, new cars, vintage specialties, street rods, special function vehicles of all ages and makes are eligible for the show. Entries received prior to March 9 only pay $20 per entry fee and those entered after this date will pay $25. The show will be set up the afternoon and evening of March 23 and early morning of March 24. Contestants are vying for show trophies, special awards and bragging rights. Complete show rules and entry forms are available on NJC’s website at the following address: http://njc.edu/Academics/Automotive-Technology/Auto-Show.
As usual, a model car show and competition will also be held. The students would love to see more entries in this area. Classes for participation are ages 6-12, ages 12-16 and ages 17 and up. Awards are given for the first and second place entry in each class. A Best Display and People’s Choice are also awarded to the model car participants. No metal or pre-assembled cars will be judged. There is no entry fee for the model car show.
The Diesel Power Club will hold its annual Toy Show in conjunction with the auto show on Saturday, March 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The students are looking for exhibitors for the toy show now and want vendors to pre-register before March 20. To find out more about the toy show specifically, call (970) 521-6739. If you collect and trade toys or if you are a retail vendor, this is a great place to showcase your inventory.
All questions pertaining to entry qualifications specifically for the auto show or the model car show should contact Layton Peterman at (970) 521-6794.