It was the fall of 1967 when Don Fender first started teaching in the automotive technology program at Northeastern that an Auto Tech Club was started. That following January 1968, the first auto show was held at the college. While the meant to be annual show has hit a few missed over the years, the 2017 show, to be held this weekend, certainly continues what has been a 49-year tradition. The Northeastern Junior College (NJC) Auto Show will be held this Saturday and Sunday on the college’s North Campus located off Pioneer Road, at 318 Hagen Street.

This year’s queen has been named and she is Rachel Fergus, a Freshman Equine Management major from Brush, CO. Fergus was home schooled and graduated in 2014, she competed for this year’s title as it sounded like something fun to do and to support her friends in the Auto Tech Program. She will be at the show, mingling with the crowd and on Sunday, she will help hand out the awards during the special ceremony that takes place at 3 p.m.
The show opens at 10 a.m. on Saturday and runs until 8 p.m. It will also be open on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost of admission for the general public is $3 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. The show is entirely held inside where goers can take their time meandering through the big shops and really looking over what’s on display. Those who attend are asked to vote for what they think is the best of show.
On Saturday, come cheer on your favorite rocker cover/pinewood race car at 3 p.m.
In addition to the Auto Show, the NJC Diesel Power Club will be hosting a Big Diesel and Tractors Show and Shine on Saturday only, the show will be located in the parking lot. Concessions will be available at the event.
For more information about the event please call Layton Peterman or Jimmy Atencio at 970-521-6794.