Scholl Oil and Transportation Company believes in investing in the future of diesel technology, as it changes so quickly. Arlan Scholl and Garrett Sporhase, both were on board with a suggestion from Floyd Trucking Service to donate the 2009 Mercedes MBE4000 complete engine to the Northeastern Junior College (NJC) Diesel Technology program this past fall.
“The engine has a few problems that need to be worked on,” stated Scholl.
Jimmy Atencio, NJC Diesel Instructor, was very grateful for the donation, as it gives the students the chance to work on the latest technology. “The engine is a great learning tool for current and future students; they will be able to investigate what the problems are and fix them.” NJC takes pride in giving their students hands on experience to learn from and to be prepared for real life.
For more information about NJC’s Diesel Technology program contact or 970-521-6790.