Laura is studying in this area with aspirations of eventually working for some type of diesel based operation in the area of agriculture. The daughter of Robert Fincher, Laura says that she has had numerous indoor office type jobs and they have not provided the kind of challenge she’s needed to stay engaged and like the work. Taking on a non-traditional training experience — meaning a woman doing what is typically done by men — has presented her with quite a bit of not only mental, but physical tests.
She was selected for this award based on her academic performance in the classroom and her ability to complete required tasks in the lab portion of the program. For winning the October award, she received an engraved plaque and a gift certificate from NAPA Auto and Truck Parts here in Sterling. NAPA sponsors a monthly award which is rotated through the three auto/diesel programs operated by NJC. Awards are presented every few months for the last round of award winners.
According to the latest data (2010) from the U.S. Department of Labor, two percent of small-engine mechanics were women. Less than one percent of bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists were women. An estimated 3,000 women in this country work as diesel mechanics. Another 14,000 women were working as automotive service technicians. There also were 18,000 welders and fewer than 1,000 small-engine mechanics, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics.