Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Inventory of Common Grading Symbols

A - Excellent or Superior

B - Good

C - Average

D – Deficient

F – Failure

I – Incomplete

P – Pass

F – Fail

P-A – Passing (A-Level) work in a developmental or PED course

P-B – Passing (B-Level) work in a developmental or PED course

P-C – Passing (C-Level) work in a developmental or PED course

F-D - Not-passing (D-Level) work in a developmental or PED course

F-F – Not-passing (F-Level) work in a developmental or PED course

W – Student withdrew prior to the withdrawal deadline

WX - Administrative withdrawal by appeal or institutional error

WD - Administrative withdrawal

AU – Audit

Place Holders

SP – Satisfactory Progress

Z – Grade not yet reported

R – Repeat Field

PLA – Prior Learning Assessment

CNG – Conversion – No grade

AU - Audit

By auditing a course, a student may participate in course activities, but does not receive a formal transcript grade. Students must indicate intent to audit a course at registration or by the deadline listed in the course schedule. Audited courses are not eligible for the College Opportunity Fund stipend. Students will be responsible for the full in-state or out-of-state tuition.

Audited courses do not meet the credit hour requirements for financial aid or veteran benefits and may not be applied to certificates or degrees.

Course credits for which an AU is earned will not count in Attempted Hours and Earned Hours.

No Quality Points will be assigned and there will be no impact on the Term or Cumulative GPA.

I - Incomplete

The "Incomplete" grade is temporary. It is designed for students who, because of documented illness or circumstances beyond their control, are unable to complete their course work within the semester, but have completed a majority of the course work (defined as at least 75% of all course assignments and tests) satisfactorily (grade C or better).

Suppose circumstances beyond the student's control prevent the student from completing a test or assignments at the end of the term. In that case, it is the student's responsibility to initiate the request for an "Incomplete" grade from the instructor. The instructor will determine whether the student has a reasonable chance of satisfactorily completing the remaining course activities remaining course activities in a time frame determined by instructor not to exceed one semester.

In requesting an "Incomplete" grade, the student must present to the instructor the documentation of circumstances justifying an "Incomplete" grade. Institutions will determine if an electronic or paper contract is required for an incomplete grade.

The instructor will complete and sign an "Incomplete Grade Contract" and submit it to Student Services with the final grades for the semester. Student Services will send a copy of the "Incomplete Grade Contract" to the student. The instructor must assign an Incomplete Grade on the regular grade roster by the final grade due date listed on the academic calendar.

Whether colleges utilize the paper contract or an electronic contract, the student and instructor must satisfy the following:

  1. Student Name (F, MI, L).
  2. Student ID#.
  3. Course Number and Section.
  4. Reason for assigning a grade of incomplete (statement of extenuating circumstances).
  5. Work to be completed to remove the incomplete grade (instructor should be very specific, including the work to be done, and how the final grade is to be calculated).
  6. Evidence of completion of 75% of the semester course work.
  7. Completion of a work plan that includes the following:  What, when, and how assignments and tests will be submitted to complete the course. The length of additional time and end date when work must be completed.
  8. If using paper contract/form, faculty must list default grade and include appropriate signatures, OR
  9. If using the electronic method, faculty will report the incomplete grade through the institution's online student information system (e.g., Portal). At this time, faculty can assign a default grade higher than an "F" and designate a date by which the remaining work must be submitted (this date will not extend past the subsequent semester).
  10. If using the electronic contract, submission of an incomplete grade and default grade via the Portal signifies that both instructor and student agree to the conditions in the electronic contract.
  11. Instructor signature and date.
  12. Student signature and date.

Students are encouraged to let instructors know as soon as possible if they are having difficulties with any part of the course. If a student and instructor cannot reach a resolution concerning an Incomplete then the student should contact the Instructional Officer of the college.

Military personnel and emergency management officials who are required to go TDY in the middle of a term should contact their instructor for special consideration. Documentation of official TDY assignment is required and must be approved by the VPAA.

Incomplete grades not converted to a letter grade by the instructor after one subsequent semester (not including the summer semester) will revert to an F.

If the student would have earned a letter grade higher than F without completing the work, faculty should be encouraged to submit that higher grade before the automatic conversion to F.

Pass/Fail Grading

Individual students cannot select the P/F grading option for a course that has been identified as a traditionally graded course when using the self-service features of Banner. A request for the P/F option must be submitted to the registration office prior to the first day of class. NOTE: If individual students are permitted by college procedure to choose an P/F option for a course, then the college will build two sections, one for the graded section and one for the P/F option.

No P/F courses may be applied to the A.A.-A.S. degree except for physical education courses. "P" and "F" will count in attempted and earned credits, but will not carry quality points. Therefore, P/F grades will not be included in GPA calculations.


The passing grade is equivalent to a grade of “C or better." The course will count in attempted and earned credits, but will not carry quality points.


The not-passing grade is equivalent to a “D” or “F” grade. The course will count in attempted credits, but will not carry earned credits of quality points.

P/A, P/B, P/C

These are passing grades awarded only for developmental classes . The A, B, and C indicate the level of satisfactory performance. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. The course will count for attempted and earned credits. 

F/D, F/F

These are not-passing grades awarded only for developmental classes. The D and F indicate the level of unsatisfactory performance.

These grades are not included in the GPA calculation. The course will count in attempted credits, but will not carry earned credits.

W - Withdrawal

The “Withdrawal” grade is assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course. A withdrawal can only be processed during the first 80 percent of the course. No academic credit is awarded. The course will count in attempted hours. Faculty are required to provide the last date of attendance for each student who is assigned this grade.

Last Date of Attendance

Faculty are required to provide the last date of attendance for each student awarded a F or U/F grade.  In addition, if faculty assign a W the last date of attendance is also required. 

AU (Audit)

None (Must be issued prior to 15% of class duration. Student initiated only – “W” has no impact on GPA.)

Place Holders

SP Satisfactory Progress

This symbol is limited to certain approved courses that extend beyond the end of a normal semester.  No academic credit is awarded until course is completed.

Z–No Grade Submitted

The grade of “Z” is a temporary grade entered by the Registrar when a grade is not received from the course instructor.  The “Z” grade is replaced and credit awarded upon the Registrar’s receipt of the grade.

Repeat Field

The Repeat Field on a transcript will be marked with “I” (include in hours and GPA calculation), “A” (exclude from earned hours and GPA calculation), or “E” (exclude from earned hours, but count in GPA calculation).