Couple on laptop in field
Area of Study

Agriculture Business Management

Agriculture Business Management allows for the opportunity of one-on-one instruction for beginning and/or experienced farmers, ranchers and agriculture business owners.

Agriculture Financial Analysis


The Financial Analysis Certificate focuses on developing financial statements and understanding financial ratios as they relate to the agricultural business. Potential products completed in this certificate program include, but are not limited to, a cash flow, enterprise budgets, accrual market balance sheet, accrual income statement, financial ratios, and a historical comparison report.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • Prepare financial planning documents such as enterprise budgets and cash flow statements.
  • Understand and implement accrual accounting into their own businesses.
  • Maintain and refine their computerized record-keeping system.

Program Requirements

Total Credits 18
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Financial Analysis I 3

Examines the purpose of enterprise analysis. Identification of accounting data used in enterprise analysis, enterprises features of an accounting system, and the need for additional enterprise software will be addressed. (5-7.5-41.7)

Financial Analysis II 3

Examines breakeven figures for business enterprises. This course will cover the calculation process for determining production figures for enterprises as well as refining an established accounting system to generate enterprise data accurately. (5-7.5-41.7)

Financial Analysis III 3

Develop a cash flow and enterprise budgets. Student will learn cash flow concepts and the relationship to enterprise budgets. Use of data from an accounting system as well as other decision aid tools will be used in the cash flow and enterprise budget development. (5-7.5-41.7)

Financial Analysis IV 3

Develop a cost and market value accrual balance sheet. This course focuses on the development of cost and marketing value balance sheets. Accrual features of an established accounting system will be analyzed in determining data that can be generated and utilized in the development of this financial statement. (5-7.5-41.7)

Financial Analysis V 3

Develop an accrual income statement. This course will focus on the development of an accrual income statement and examine this financial statement relevancy. Data from an established accounting system to use in the development will be identified. (5-7.5-41.7)

Financial Analysis VI 3

Determine financial health of a business with the use of industry financial ratios. This course focuses on industry ratio used in determining the financial health of a business. Types of ratios as well as their calculations will be discussed. Comparisons of financial statements from an accounting system will be utilized. (5-7.5-41.7)

Degree & Certificate Options

Agriculture Business Records and Business Planning

18 Credits

Agriculture Financial Analysis

18 Credits

Agriculture Commodity Marketing

18 Credits

Agriculture Market Plan Development

18 Credits

Advanced Agriculture Business Management

18 Credits

Agriculture Profit Maximization

18 Credits

Rural Business Entrepreneurship

18 Credits