Area of Study


Art at Northeastern is a "degree with designation," which means students can structure their associate's with a focus on Art History or Studio Art.

Studio Art Designation

Associate of Arts

A degree in Studio Art helps you hone and express your creativity while providing you with knowledge of a variety of artistic techniques. Your ability to transform sketches, data, and verbal instructions into works of art makes you stand out to employers who need creative thinkers.

Other skills you offer to potential employers include strong critical thinking skills, graphic design and marketing skills, the ability to adapt techniques, tools, and materials to different creative processes, budgets, and final uses. Experience designing products to meet the needs and tastes of diverse clients and audiences and demonstrate the use of texture, contrast, and color combinations for visual impact. 

Here is a brief list of some popular careers Studio Art majors have found success in: conservator, fine artist (painter, sculptor, and illustrator), multimedia artist/animator, and scientific artist.

Written Communication

Total Credits 6
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
English Composition I:GT-CO1 3

Emphasizes planning, writing, and editing/revisions of compositions, coupled with development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a minimum of five compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category. Prerequisite: College Readiness in English. (3-0)


English Composition II: GT-CO2 3

Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or persuasive papers that incorporate research. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO2 category. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG1021 or ENG1031 with a "C" grade or better. (3-0)

OR you can take ENG1022 and a GT-CO3 course.


Total Credits 3-4

Take one GT-MA1 course, prefer MAT1240.

Arts and Humanities

Total Credits 6

Take two GT courses from AH2, AH3 or AH4 categories. (No AH1 courses)


Total Credits 3

Take one GT course from the HI1 category

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Total Credits 6

Take two GT courses from the SS1, SS2 or SS3 categories.

Natural and Physical Sciences

Total Credits 7

Take two GT courses from the SC1 or SC2 category (one must be a SC1 course with a lab).

Program Requirements

Total Credits 21
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Art History Ancient to Medieval: GT-AH1 3

Provides the knowledge base to understand the visual arts, especially as related to Western Culture. Surveys the visual arts from the Ancient through Medieval Periods. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category. (3-0)

Art History Renaissance to 1900: GT-AH1 3

Provides the knowledge base to understand the visual arts, especially as related to Western Culture. Surveys the visual arts from the Renaissance to 1900. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category. (3-0)

Drawing I 3

Investigates the various approaches and media that students need to develop drawing skills and visual perception. (0-6)

Visual Concepts 2-D Design 3

Examines the basic elements of design, visual perception, and artistic form and composition as they relate to two-dimensional media. (0-6)

3-D Design 3

Introduces the fundamentals of three-dimensional design, form and space. This course applies the elements and principles of design to three-dimensional problems. (0-6)

Drawing II 3

Explores expressive drawing techniques with an emphasis on formal composition, black and white, color media, and content or thematic development. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ART1201 with a "C" grade or better. (0-6)

Take one additional three credit Studio Art Course.


Total Credits 8

Degree & Certificate Options

Art History Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Studio Art Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits


Celeste Delgado-Pelton
Chair Liberal Arts and Academic Opportunity
E.S. French- 104A
Celeste Pelton


Rebeka Laible
Administrative Assistant II
E.S. French-104
Rebeka Laible