Business & Accounting
Area of Study

Business & Accounting

Students in the Business/Accounting program can choose from a variety of certificates and degrees to meet their educational needs. Choose between entry-level certificates, advanced certificates, associate degrees that will prepare you for the workforce, or associate degrees that will prepare you for a bachelor’s degree.

Applied Management

Associate of Applied Science
Total Credits
Associate of Applied Science

The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Applied Management (A.A.S.) is designed to meet the needs of individuals who have acquired post high school occupationally-related training at any community college, technical institute, military service school, proprietary school, or industry-related school in the business, health, or technical fields.

This program builds on the student’s previous one or more years of training in technical skills-related programs, but also includes courses that will provide entrepreneurial training necessary to obtain management level employment appropriate to the Associate of Applied Science Degree and former technical training. Finally, the program requires a variety of general education courses that enable the individual to understand and appreciate his/her societal responsibilities.

The following types of occupations are examples of how this program would work.

Prior Technical Training (30 Credits)

+ Applied Management Courses

= Job Possibilities

Practical Nursing (PN)            Nursing Home Administrator

Carpentry                                Millwork Sales

Diesel Repair                           Dealership Operations

Auto Repair                             Wind Technology

Cosmetology                           Early Childhood Education

Owner/Operator - Business   Day Care Center

Paint/Equipment Sales Representative

This core includes one or more years of prior technical training (30 semester credit hours minimum) from any recognized CTE program. A student is required to produce a transcript of credit hours or the equivalent in a technical field.

Written Communication

Total Credits 3

Choose one of the following courses. 

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
English Composition I:GT-CO1 3

Emphasizes planning, writing, and editing/revisions of compositions, coupled with development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a minimum of five compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category. Prerequisite: College Readiness in English. (3-0)

Technical Writing I: GT-CO1 3

Develops skills one can apply to a variety of technical documents. Focuses on principles for organizing, writing, and revising clear, readable documents for industry, business, and government. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category. Prerequisite: College Readiness in English. (3-0)

Technical English & Communication 3

Focuses on the written and oral communication needs of students in vocational and technical fields. Enables the student to practice written, oral, reading, reasoning, and interpersonal communication skills in order to become successful (or to remain successful) in the workplace. (3-0)

Oral Communication

Total Credits 3

Choose one of the following courses.

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Public Speaking 3

Combines the basic theory of speech communication with public speech performance skills. Emphasizes on speech delivery, preparation, organization, support, audience analysis, and delivery. (3-0)

Interpersonal Communication: GT-SS3 3

Examines the communication involved in interpersonal relationships occurring in family, social, and career situations. Relevant concepts include self-concept, perception, listening, nonverbal communication, and conflict. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category. (3-0)


Total Credits 3
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Skilled Trades/Industrial Math 2

Provides a review of general mathematics, introductory algebra, systems of measurements, and methods of solving problems related to skilled trades and general industrial repair. It is designed for students in the repair industry. Topics may include algebra, geometry, graphs, measurement, and conversion between various systems of measurement. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (2-0)

Career Math: Program Emphasis 3

Agriculture Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, statistics, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0)

Wind/Welding Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0)

Financial Mathematics 3

Covers the fundamentals of financial mathematics. Topics including pricing, taxes, insurance, interest, annuities, amortization, investments. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0)

Business Statistics 3

Focuses on statistical study, sampling, organizing and visualizing data, descriptive statistics, probability, binomial distributions, normal distributions, confidence intervals, linear regression, and correlation. Intended for business majors. (3-0)

Natural and Physical Sciences

Total Credits 3

Take any CIS, CSC, CWB, MGD, or GT-SC1 or SC2 course not otherwise used.

Arts and Humanities

Total Credits 3

Take any State Guaranteed Transfer course in ANT, ART, GEO, HIS, HUM, LIT, MUS, PHI, POS, PSY, SPA, SOC or THE prefix.  You can also choose MAN1028, ECO1001, ECO2001, or ECO2002 if not otherwise used.  

Program Requirements

Total Credits 15

Below are the required courses for this emphasis. 

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Introduction to Business 3

Introduces the application of fundamental business principles to local, national, and international forums. This course examines the relationship of economic systems, governance, regulations, and law upon business operations. It surveys the concepts of career development, business ownership, finance and accounting, economics, marketing, management, operations, human resources, regulations, and business ethics. (3-0)

Business Communication/Report Writing 3

Emphasizes effective business writing and cover letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. Includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication. Suggested Prerequisite: Sentence Skills Accuplacer score of 95. (3-0)

Degree & Certificate Options

Business Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Business: Accounting Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Business: Management Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
60 Credits

Applied Management

Associate of Applied Science
30 Credits

Accounting Technician I

18 Credits

Accounting Technician II

45 Credits

Business Administration

15 Credits

Basic Tax Preparation

3 Credits

Business Management

45 Credits

Economics Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Foundations of Business I

15 Credits

Foundations of Business II

21 Credits

Business: Marketing Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
60 Credits


45 Credits


Amanda Kerker
Whyman Hall- 126B
Amanda Kerker
Brian Lewton
Economics Faculty
Whyman Hall- 126A
Brian Lewton
Allison Wernsman
Accounting Faculty
Whyman Hall
Allison Wernsman


Kelly Dyess
Administrative Assistant II
Whyman Hall- 126F