Business & Accounting
Area of Study

Business & Accounting

Students in the Business/Accounting program can choose from a variety of certificates and degrees to meet their educational needs. Choose between entry-level certificates, advanced certificates, associate degrees that will prepare you for the workforce, or associate degrees that will prepare you for a bachelor’s degree.

Economics Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
Total Credits
Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation

The study of Economics prepares students for a variety of professions that emphasize the use of economics. Students who ultimately earn a bachelor's degree in Economics would most likely go in to obtain a graduate degree.

Written Communication

Total Credits 6
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
English Composition I:GT-CO1 3

Emphasizes planning, writing, and editing/revisions of compositions, coupled with development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a minimum of five compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category. Prerequisite: College Readiness in English. (3-0)

English Composition II: GT-CO2 3

Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or persuasive papers that incorporate research. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO2 category. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG1021 or ENG1031 with a "C" grade or better. (3-0)


Total Credits 8
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Introduction to Statistics: GT-MA1 3

Introduces descriptive and inferential statistics, with an emphasis on critical thinking and statistical literacy. Topics include methods of data collection, presentation and summarization, introduction to probability concepts and distributions, and statistical inference of one and two populations. This course uses real world data to illustrate applications of a practical nature. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0) A.A. & A.G.S. Degrees only.

Calculus I: GT-MA1 5

Introduces single variable calculus and analytic geometry. Includes limits, continuity, derivatives, and applications of derivatives as well as indefinite and definite integrals and some applications. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category. Prerequisites: Successful completion of MAT1420 or MAT1440 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate test scores. (5-0)

Arts and Humanities

Total Credits 9

Take three GT courses from AH1, AH2, AH3 or AH4 categories.


Total Credits 3

Take one GT course from the HI1 category.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Total Credits 6
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Principles of Macroeconomics: GT-SS1 3

Focuses on the study of the national economy, emphasizing business cycles and long-run growth trends. Explores how macroeconomic performance is measured, including Gross Domestic Product and labor market indicators. Examines the saving-investment relationship and its relationship to Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand. Discusses money and banking, international trade, fiscal and monetary policy. Explores the macroeconomic role of the public sector. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category. (3-0)

Principles of Microeconomics: GT-SS1 3

Focuses on the study of individual decision making, emphasizing households, business firms and industry analysis. Explores market models, including competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Examines market failure and related efficiency criteria for government intervention. Explores public policy, including labor market issues, poverty and the environment. This is a Statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category. (3-0)

Natural and Physical Sciences

Total Credits 8

Take two GT course from the SC1 or SC2 categories. (one must be a SC1 course with a lab)


Total Credits 20

Consult with a Northeastern Advisor and select the credits based on the specific articulation agreement and transfer institution requirements. The list of approved electives can be found on the Approved A.A.-A.S. Electives page.

Degree & Certificate Options

Business Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Business: Accounting Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Business: Management Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
60 Credits

Applied Management

Associate of Applied Science
30 Credits

Accounting Technician I

18 Credits

Accounting Technician II

45 Credits

Business Administration

15 Credits

Basic Tax Preparation

3 Credits

Business Management

45 Credits

Economics Designation

Associate of Arts
Degree with Designation
60 Credits

Foundations of Business I

15 Credits

Foundations of Business II

21 Credits

Business: Marketing Emphasis

Associate of Applied Science
60 Credits


45 Credits


Amanda Kerker
Whyman Hall- 126B
Amanda Kerker
Brian Lewton
Economics Faculty
Whyman Hall- 126A
Brian Lewton
Allison Wernsman
Accounting Faculty
Whyman Hall
Allison Wernsman


Kelly Dyess
Administrative Assistant II
Whyman Hall- 126F