Area of Study

Welding Technology

The Welding Technology program provides students with basic and advanced welding training for each of the major welding processes (GMAW, SMAW, FCAW, GTAW, OAW) on steel, stainless, and aluminum, pipe and plate, in all welding positions, as it pertains to each course.

Welding Fabricator


Program Requirements

Total Credits 21
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Technical English & Communication 3

Focuses on the written and oral communication needs of students in vocational and technical fields. Enables the student to practice written, oral, reading, reasoning, and interpersonal communication skills in order to become successful (or to remain successful) in the workplace. (3-0)

Career Math: Program Emphasis 3

Agriculture Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, statistics, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0)

Wind/Welding Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0)

Safety for Welders 1

Covers the hazards of welding on health and safety, locating essential safety information from a code or other standard, and identifying and applying shop safety procedures. (1-0)

Blueprint Read-Welders/Fitters 4

Covers interpretation and creation of weld symbols and blueprints used in metal fabrication. (4-0)

Oxyfuel and Plasma Cutting 2

Outlines the skills needed to set up equipment and perform cutting and gouging operations utilizing the oxyacetylene and plasma arc cutting processes. (1-2)

Oxyacetylene Welding 2

Teaches the skills necessary to perform safety inspections, make minor repairs, adjust operating parameters, operate oxyacetylene welding equipment, and perform oxyacetylene welding, brazing, and soldering operations. (1-2)

SMAW Flat & Horizontal 2

Covers fundamental knowledge and skills required for the safe use of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) equipment including proper set up, shut down, electrode selection, striking the arc, running a bead, making fillet and groove open root welds in the flat and horizontal positions, proper use of E6010, E7018, and other electrodes, and weldment inspection. (1-2)

GMAW (MIG) Steel I 2

Covers the theory and techniques in basic Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) to produce sound fillet welds and groove welds in both the flat and vertical positions using short-circuit and spray modes of metal transfer. (1-2)

GTAW Steel I 2

Examines theory and techniques used in basic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) of steel fillet and groove welds in the flat and vertical positions including equipment adjustment, tungsten electrode types, and the use of different gases. (1-2)

Program Requirements

Total Credits 8

GMAW & FCAW Option

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
GMAW (MIG) Steel II 2

Covers the theory and techniques in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) to produce sound fillet welds and groove welds in both the horizontal and overhead positions using short-circuit (GMAW-S) and pulsed-spray (GMAW-P) modes of metal transfer. This course is a continuation of GMAW – Steel I. (1-2)

GMAW Stainless & Aluminum 2

An advanced course covering Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) of aluminum and steel using stainless steel wire in all positions; utilizing short-circuit (GMAW-S), spray (GMAW), and pulsed-spray (GMAW-P) modes of metal transfer. (1-2)

FCAW Flat & Vertical 2

Covers gas shielded (FCAW-G) and self-shielded (FCAW-S) Flux-cored Arc welding (FCAW) in the flat and vertical positions using semi-automatic equipment. (1-2)

FCAW Horizontal & Overhead 2

Covers gas shielded (FCAW-G) and self-shielded (FCAW-S) Flux-cored Arc welding (FCAW) in the horizontal & overhead positions using semi-automatic equipment. (1-2)

Program Requirements

Total Credits 8

SMAW & PIPE Option

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
SMAW Vertical 2

Covers Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) techniques in the vertical position including the use of E6010 and E7018 electrodes, proper set up and shut down of the welding equipment, electrode selection, vertical up and down stringer beads using E6010 electrodes, and vertical up fillet and groove welds using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. (1-2)

SMAW Overhead 2

Covers Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) techniques in the overhead position including the use of E6010 and E7018 electrodes, proper set up and shut down of the welding equipment, electrode selection, overhead stringer and weave beads using E6010 and E7018 electrodes, and overhead fillet and groove welds using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. (1-2)

SMAW Pipe I 2

Covers the use of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) for basic pipe welding techniques involving pipe-to-plate, single, and multiple pass fillet welds in the horizontal (2F), multi-position (5F) uphill and downhill, and overhead positions (4F) using E6010 and E7018 electrodes including proper positioning around pipe and tube in preparation for welding pipe-to-pipe connections. (1-2)

SMAW Pipe II 2

Provides instruction of advanced pipe welding techniques using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process to weld open root and pipe-to-pipe connections in the horizontal (2G), multi-position vertical uphill progression (5G), and multi-position 45-degree incline (6G) positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. Each pipe position is tested using visual inspection and root/face bend test. (1-2)

Program Requirements

Total Credits 8

GTAW Option

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
GTAW (TIG) Steel II 2

Examines the theory and techniques used in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) of steel fillet and groove welds in the horizontal and overhead positions including equipment adjustment and pulse arc welding (GTAW-P). (1-2)

GTAW Stainless & Aluminum I 2

Examines theory and techniques used in basic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) of stainless steel and aluminum in the flat and vertical positions including equipment adjustment, tungsten electrodes types, and the use of different gases. (1-2)

GTAW Stainless & Aluminum II 2

 Covers Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) of stainless steel and aluminum in the horizontal and overhead positions including the study of pulse arc welding (GTAW-P). This course is a continuation of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)-Stainless and Aluminum I. (1-2)

GMAW (MIG) Steel II 2

Covers the theory and techniques in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) to produce sound fillet welds and groove welds in both the horizontal and overhead positions using short-circuit (GMAW-S) and pulsed-spray (GMAW-P) modes of metal transfer. This course is a continuation of GMAW – Steel I. (1-2)

Program Requirements

Total Credits 8

Fabrication & Metallurgy Option

Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Design, Layout and Fabrication 4

Develops advanced welding and associated skills in the use of drawings and blueprints in planning. This course includes designing and layout projects. (1-5)

Applied Metal Properties 4

Introduces the study of metal properties, hardness testing, heat treatment, cold working microscopic examination, and application of common commercial alloys in industry. (4-0)

Degree & Certificate Options

Welding Technology

Associate of Applied Science
61 Credits


9 Credits

SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)

11 Credits


9 Credits


7 Credits


11 Credits

Welding Fabricator

29 Credits


Jason Hill
Welding Faculty
Applied Technology Campus
Jason Hill


David Farrow
Dean of Career and Technical Education
ATC Campus
Dena Kerker Brunelle
Administrative Assistant II-Applied Technology Campus
Applied Technology Campus
Dena Kerkerbrunelle