Anna C. Petteys & Dorothy J. Corsberg Scholarship

This scholarship was created in the fall of 1982 in memory of two very special women. 

Anna C. Petteys was an American education activist, newspaper woman, lecturer and politician in the mid-20th century. She was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame in 2008. Anna was born in 1892. She met her husband, Alonzo, at Grinnell College. The two were married in Iowa before moving to Weldona, CO in 1914 and then eventually making Brush, Colorado home, where they raised their four children.

Anna owned the Sterling Journal-Advocate with her son Bob until they sold it in the 1950's. It was during this period, she spent quite a lof of time in Sterling writing a column for the paper. She rented an apartment so she wouldn't have to drive back and forth to Brush while working on the column. Anna's column was titled "PostScripts" and was written on a variety of topics. Often times her trips overseas were highlighted and she shared the culture of the country along with the educational methods and needs of each. She was also discuss ways to bring educational ideas that worked in other countries to incorporate into our educational system. Similarly, while in other countries, she would discuss with their educational leaders possible ways to improve their educational systems.

It was also during this period that Anna wrote a book about Dr. Portia Lubchenco, a physician who practiced medicine in Haxtun and Sterling for many years. The book, “Dr. Portia,” was published in 1964, and Anna did much of her writing in her Sterling apartment where she could collaborate with Dr. Portia as needed. Anna actively supported Northeastern Junior College and became good friends with Dorothy Corsberg. 

Her philanthropic work extended to include hospitals, libraries, women's shelters, volunteer fire departments, two newspapers, as well as a radio station and much more, throughout most of northeastern Colorado. In 1950 Anna was elected to a 6-year term of the State Board of Education.  She was elected for two more terms, the last four years of which she served as Chair. It was then she caught the attention of the White House and was appointed to the Committee for Special Education and the Committee on Education for Migrant Children. She was also active in the United Nations, first having been selected to attend the United Nations Charter Convention in San Francisco, and later on appointment to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Dorothy Jean "Jeane" Corsberg was a longtime educator and arts patron, she was Professor Emeritus of Humanities at Northeastern Junior College (NJC) in Sterling. Ms. Corsberg taught at Northeastern in Sterling for 41 years before retiring in 1987. While at NJC, Ms. Corsberg served in many capacities, from instructor to Dean of Women to chair of the Humanities Division. While in Sterling, Ms. Corsberg worked closely with the Sterling Arts Council to bring art exhibits, music and theatre productions to Sterling. She won numerous awards for activities in the Sterling community and for excellence in teaching, including being named the Colorado Community College Teacher of the Year. 

In 1987, NJC dedicated its new theatre to her and named in her honor. Ms. Corsberg was instrumental in the planning and design of the performing arts facility. Ms. Corsberg was a member of PEO, Chapter Z, the NJC Alumni Association, the N.E.A., the National Council of Teachers of English, Friends of the UNC Libraries, Friends of the City of Greeley Museum, Friends of the Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra and the Greeley Chamber Orchestra. Ms. Corsberg always brought out the best in everything she did and in everyone she met. She was a wonderful educator, a counselor for many students, a supporter of the arts and humanities and a true friend. She was very generous with her time and talents and always showed concern for her students, friends and family.

Anna C. Petteys & Dorothy J. Corsberg's scholarship was created due to their love for education. It is to support well rounded students from Logan and Morgan counties who wish to study education, humanities or journalism.