Student Handbook

1.01 Introduction to the 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Dear NJC Student:

Northeastern Junior College supports the efforts of all enrolled students to achieve the academic and personal goals they have established. The NJC Student Handbook is an official college publication that describes and informs the student of college procedures and state policies pertaining to all aspects of your college life. The college is obligated to follow all policy and procedures as written.

All students enrolled for any credit course are responsible for knowledge of the information appearing in this handbook and any annual updates of costs, and student procedures. The Student Handbook contains all general student procedures and basic residence hall rules and procedures. The college reserves the right to change procedures in the Student Handbook, and to revise procedures as may be necessary and desirable. The students of Northeastern Junior College have student representatives as officers and senators to whom the responsibility of reviewing procedures is given.

When a student registers for any courses at Northeastern Junior College, she or he accepts a commitment to seriousness of purpose, academic integrity and high standards of personal and social behavior. Students are expected to be cooperative and responsive members of the college community and the city of Sterling, and comply willingly with college regulations and to abide by local, state and federal laws. All students have the right to due process, the right to file grievances; the college has the right to restrict, evict, suspend and expel any student whose academic achievement and personal conduct does not meet the standards set forth in the College Catalog and the Student Handbook.

Northeastern Junior College students will be treated with fundamental fairness in all processes that involve college procedures. All interpretations of state policy and college procedures will be enacted equally and consistently for all students. When a student enrolls at Northeastern Junior College, a contractual agreement is implied between the student and the college, and the college will maintain and follow all college procedures and state policies and provide the academic requirements the student seeks. The Vice President of Student Services represents the college to insure all student rights are protected and student procedures are interpreted and implemented fairly. All jurisdictional decisions and action taken by the college administration will be based upon policy and stated procedures in the College Catalog or the Student Handbook.

The Student Handbook is updated annually, with input from staff and students so the contents are current for the 2024-2025 academic year. All changes made in this handbook supersede all previous procedure/policy statements. As Chief Judicial Officer of the college and student advocate, I recommend you treat the Student Handbook as a reference source, read and become familiar with all sections to enhance your personal and academic success at NJC. If you have questions regarding the contents of the Student Handbook, please contact my office, Hays Student Center 113. I hope you have a successful academic year and you take advantage of all the college opportunities offered in and outside the classroom.

Student Handbook Provision

This Student Handbook contains pertinent information affecting students, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Handbook is inconsistent with State or Federal law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BP's) or Colorado Community System President's Procedures (SP's), the law, BP's and SP's shall supersede and control. BP's and SP's are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System President, respectively. Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the BP's, SP's, as well as College directives, including but not limited to the contents of this Handbook.

To access BP's and SP's, see State Board Policies and Procedures

Nothing in this Handbook is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an express or implied contract or to guarantee for any term or to promise that any specific process, procedures, or practice will be followed or benefit provided by the College. The College reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to the information in this Handbook as it deems appropriate.

Steve Smith
Vice President of Student Services
July 2024