Academic Standards Handbook

4.8 Advanced Standing

Northeastern Junior College subscribes to the philosophy that the course placement function of the college includes helping students to identify where they are in educational development and to move on toward their goals at the most efficient rate possible.  Advanced standing is the administrative placement of students beyond introductory course(s) in a curriculum, allowing college credit for subject matter, demonstrated skills, and/or other appropriate training.  Students must submit transcripts of previous educational study, results of examinations or proof of occupational training to be granted advanced standing.


Advanced standing may be granted to students by the following methods: transfer of credit, standardized tests, military experience and course proficiency.


Advanced standing credits earned by the above methods are not considered part of the students' normal semester load for reports to Veterans Administration, Social Security Federal Financial Aids Department, and similar agencies.  Credits earned through advanced standings are not applicable toward fulfillment of NJC residency requirements for graduation and, unless specified, are not figured into cumulative or semester grade point averages.


Advanced standing may be granted to students who successfully complete examinations in any of the following standardized tests.


  1. CLEP Examinations for Advanced Standing - The College Level Examination Program from the Educational Testing Service has been approved in five basic liberal arts areas and in specific subject examination areas, depending on the score attained.


Students must obtain a score at the 50th percentile or above, have not previously taken the class for college credit and have completed 15 credit hours or more at NJC in order to have the credit placed on an NJC transcript.  Up to 30 credits may be applied to graduation requirements.


  1. Advanced Placement Program for Advanced Standing - Specific college course credits will be granted for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations of the college Entrance Examination Board.  Students must have official AP score report forwarded from the Educational Testing Service to Northeastern Junior college for inclusion in the permanent record.


  1. United States Armed Forces Institute and Other Military Schools - The college will recognize and grant up to 30 credit hours to veterans for educational training completed in the Armed Forces and for college work completed through the United States Armed Forces Institute, provided such credit is not a duplication of work previously taken.


Veterans must submit to the Registrar, authentic military service and training records, including separation papers (DD Form 214 or D-295 if still on active duty) for evaluation.


United States Armed Forces Institute college level courses taken by correspondence or by extension through another accredited college are accepted on regular transfer credit provisions.  Official reports of the educational achievement must be mailed directly to the college from the United States Armed Forces Institute at Madison, Wisconsin.


  1. Transfer of Credits – The College will accept transfer credit hours from regionally accredited colleges and universities not to exceed 75% of the total credit hours required for graduation and degree completion in respective programs.  Transfer credit shall be accepted at NJC with an academic/university transfer and/or occupational vocational designation.  When a question exists as to course equivalency or designation, a request will be made for a description of that course from the Transfer College or school where the course was taken.


Transfer courses from regionally accredited colleges or universities and from regionally accredited post-secondary programs from vocational schools which correspond to equivalent NJC/university transfer or occupational/vocationally designated courses shall be accepted at face value (in semester credit hours).  These courses will be used to fulfill as many course/program requirements as possible.  Courses for which there are no equivalencies will be treated as electives.


Only transfer credits with passing grades of A, B, C, S (satisfactory) or P (pass) will be evaluated and transcripted.  All transfer credits and grades will not be used to calculate a NJC cumulative GPA.


For each of the above advanced standing credit option, the college Records Office will provide:


  1. The statement "awarded on the basis of (type) examination."  Type indicates CLEP, Advanced Placement, or United States Armed Forces Institute.


  1. The course title.


  1. The number of credits awarded.


  1. The date on which the credit was awarded.


  1. All CLEP, Advanced Standing Examination scores, and United States Armed Forces Institute credits are to be sent to the Registrar for evaluation.


  1. It will be the responsibility of the Registrar to provide instructional divisions with information pertaining to student's examination scores for the purpose of advising.