Jack Annan Statue

Heritage Center

The Heritage Center is located on the second floor of Hays Student Center. It is coming to life with memories and memorabilia.

A number of items are now on display and many historical pictures and keepsakes have been cataloged. All of the work of the Center is being done by volunteers who come in during organized dates to move ahead with the various projects underway.

A number of items have been donated to the Center covering a span of many years. When Dr. Marshall Frinks was in Sterling to receive the 2004 Pathfinder Award during Homecoming festivities, he took the opportunity to donate his leather letterman's jacket from when he attended Northeastern in 1953-54.

In addition to memorabilia donations, the center is very much in need of financial support. Dollars donated will be used to help pay for items noted on the wish list below and for framing expenses and signage. If someone would like to make a donation, please contact the NJC Foundation. Contributions are being channeled through the NJC Foundation so that donors may receive maximum tax benefit.

In addition to placing items up for public display in the Center, the volunteers have created several traveling displays about the history of the college that have been moved from place to place on campus for students to see.

The purpose of the Heritage Center is to acquire, preserve, centralize, communicate and promote the history of Northeastern Junior College. It is hoped to have the Center up and ready for the public to begin visiting by summer.

Have memorabilia on Northeastern you'd like to contribute for display at the Center?

Contact Heather Brungardt

Director of Bookstore Services




Heather Brungardt
Director of Bookstore Services/Executive Alumni Director
Hays Student Center
Heather Brungardt
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