
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation from Northeastern, students will be able to:

  1. Think critically and creatively to solve problems;
  2. Communicate ideas, values, and perspectives effectively;
      41: High Proficiency 32: Demonstrated Proficiency 2: Developing Proficiency

    1: No or Very Limited Proficiency

    N/A (not required for assignment used for assessment)

    Thesis/Central Idea: Thesis/central idea is clearly stated and purposive3

    • The thesis is clear and purposeful
    • Thesis is composed in a way that engages the audience
    • The thesis is clear and purposeful4
    • Thesis composition style does not fully engage the audience
    • The thesis/central idea is clearly stated, but it is very basic (i.e., “this paper/speech is about X”)
    • No clear thesis/central idea


    Content/Support:   Supporting details clearly explain/defend the main idea; extensive and detailed explanation/description/analysis of issue or concept; use of relevant sources/industry standard concepts to explain the issue/support the thesis
    • Supporting details are well-chosen and have extensive detail to fully support the thesis/explain the issue
    • The paper/presentation purpose is clear
    • A variety of types of support (multiple credible sources, graphics if applicable, etc.) are flawlessly integrated
    • Supporting details fully support the thesis, but the sources are not as strong as they could be
    • Support types may be limited to one or two types of support (websites rather than academic articles, for example)
    • The sources are, overall, well-integrated
    • Supporting details begin to support the thesis, but more support is needed to fully support the thesis/claim
    • Source integration may be choppy
    • Supporting details are lacking
    • Not enough supporting details to support the thesis
    Intro (except thesis):  Introduction captures readers’ attention; introduction shows why the topic/issue is important; introduction introduces/summarizing the supporting details that will be developed in the body section
    • The introduction clearly draws the audience in
    • The intro shows why the topic/issue is important and should be discussed at the present time
    • The introduction smoothly and clearly summarizes the supporting points
    • The intro clearly draws the audience in, though perhaps not as effectively as it could
    • The intro shows why the topic/issue is important, but it may not be clear why it should be discussed at the present time
    • The intro provides a summary of the supporting points, but it may be choppy
    • Introduction is very basic (e.g., “This paper/speech is about X.”)
    • Whole pieces of intro criteria are missing or in such poor form that they are ineffective
    • No discernable introduction
    You can “N/A” this performance indicator if it is not measured in the assignment you are using for this assessment.
    Organization: Paragraphs (in writing) or body points (in speech) are each unified around a single idea that supports the thesis/central idea; ideas are linked by clear transitions; the organizational pattern is effective for the purpose of the paper/speech
    • Paragraphs/body points are unified around a single idea (i.e., a topic sentence
    • The organizational pattern is not only effective but actively adds to the argument/position
    • The transitions are clear, present, and smooth and guide the reader/listener seamlessly through the paper or speech
    • Paragraphs/body points are each unified around a single idea (i.e., a topic sentence)
    • The organizational pattern is effective
    • The transitions are present, but they are not as smooth and/or as clear as they could be
    • Paragraphs/body points are each unified around a single idea (i.e., a topic sentence)
    • There are no clear transitions and/or the organizational pattern is not effective
    • No clear paragraphs/body points or
    • No clear coherence/order to the paragraphs
    You can “N/A” this performance indicator if it is not measured in the assignment you are using for this assessment.

    Language/Voice:  Professional voice is evident and consistent; language is clear and appropriate for audience and purpose; language effectively keeps audience’s attention throughout

    • Professional voice is clear and consistent throughout
    • Language choices not only show consideration of audience and purpose and work to fully engage the audience
    • Language also contribute to the overall effectiveness of the paper/presentation
    • Professional voice is overall clear and consistent throughout
    • Language choices show consideration of audience and purpose
    • Language helps to engage the audience
    • At times, language contributes to the effectiveness of the paper/presentation
    • Professional voice is evident but not as consistent as it could be
    • Language is clear and, at times, shows consideration of audience and purpose
    • Language does not interfere with the effectiveness but does not contribute to the effectiveness of the paper/presentation
    • Professional voice is inconsistent Language choices are not clear or appropriate for the audience and purpose
    • Language choices may interfere with the effectiveness of the paper/presentation
    You can “N/A” this performance indicator if it is not measured in the assignment you are using for this assessment.
    Delivery/Grammar: Delivery, including eye contact, gestures, kinesics, and vocalics for a speech are effective; use of grammar and mechanics is appropriate for a written paper
    • Nonverbal delivery is effective and adds to presentation, including eye contact, gestures, kinesics, and vocalics are effective and add to the overall presentation
    • Grammar and mechanics are correct and used in a way that contribute to the effectiveness of the paper
    • Nonverbal delivery is excellent overall, though there may be a few disfluencies in voice, gesture, or eye contact, but not so many that it impacts the overall presentation
    • Grammar and mechanics are excellent overall, but there are a few issues with grammar/mechanics
    • Nonverbal delivery shows frequent loss of eye contact and/or there are multiple disfluencies in voice and/or gesture, but the delivery does not greatly impact the overall presentation
    • Grammar and mechanics issues are frequent enough to be noticeable to every reader but not so poor as to affect comprehension of message
    • Nonverbal delivery negatively affects how the presentation is received
    • Grammar and mechanics issues make the paper hard to read and comprehend
    You can “N/A” this performance indicator if it is not measured in the assignment you are using for this assessment.

    Citations, Formatting, and Citation Style:  Source attributions/citations are correctly presented in chosen style (APA, MLA, or Chicago); quotes are properly integrated; formatting (margins, pages, font, line spacing for papers; time for presentations) is correct

    • Flawless use of citations in chosen style (APA, MLA, or Chicago)
    • Any quotes are properly integrated
    • Formatting (margins, pages, font, line spacing for papers; time for presentation) is correct
    • Minor errors in citation in chosen style
    • Quotes are integrated, but style use shows minor errors/is not 100% correct
    • Formatting (margins, pages, font, line spacing for papers; time for presentation) is correct overall (maybe a couple of minor errors in paper formatting, 30 seconds or less off on timing for a speech)
    • There is an effort to use the required citation style (APA, MLA, or Chicago), but there are multiple errors in style use
    • Formatting (margins, pages, font, line spacing for papers; time for presentation) is okay, but there are minor issues (some errors in paper formatting, 1 minute or more off on timing for a speech)
    • No obvious citation style is used
    • There may not be any citations, or, if there are citations, the citations are not in a recognized style
    You can “N/A” this performance indicator if it is not measured in the assignment you are using for this assessment.

    1We would expect juniors or seniors to achieve this level after they have completed most of their schooling; in other words, we would not expect freshmen and sophomores to achieve this level.  If some of your students reach high proficiency, please record their score as “4,” but if none meet this benchmark, that is completely fine.  If too many score a 4 here, in fact, we may need to revise the outcome and/or have additional norming sessions.

    2This is the level that, ideally, we would like to see most of our students at by the time they graduate NJC; you can think of it like goal that you can work towards.

    3Several programs assessed communication with “takes a position” or “makes a claim”; that would be equivalent to a “thesis statement,” so every program should be able to assess on this criterion

    4“Purposeful” means that the claim is stated in such a way that the speaker/writer will have to work to prove it

    5Programs should, at the very least, find an assignment/activity where the students make a claim and support it, so the two criteria with a “X” in the N/A column mean that faculty cannot N/A these two criteria.

    6Several programs assessed communication with “supports their position” or “supports their claim”; that would be equivalent to the “support” criteria here, so every program should be able to assess on this criterion

  3. Demonstrate skills to fulfil professional expectations and prepare for chosen career;
  4. Recognize the interconnectedness of global, national, and local concerns in regards to cultural, political, social, and environmental issues;
  5. Apply scientific and mathematical concepts.
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