Students studying on the floor
Monahan Library

Library Services and Policies

Monahan Library users are expected to observe other patrons' rights, treat library staff with courtesy and respect, and use the library for its intended purpose.

A library patron may be asked to leave the library if he/she is acting in such a manner that:

  • disrupts other library users and/or library operations.
  • endangers or threatens anyone's safety or health.
  • violates the state's or the college's computer use policies.
  • violates any local, state or federal law.



The Circulation Desk is where patrons can create a library card, reserve materials, interlibrary loan requests, directions to various areas in the library, kindles, and headphones. Patrons check out and return materials at the circulation desk.


Student looking a new books in the library.

The reference area has statistical sources, encyclopedia, government publications, federal and state legal reference materials. Archival newspaper articles are available by topic beginning with the year 2000 and have been reproduced on acid-free paper. Please ask the circulation desk for assistance if you would like to access these resources.


Ask us for help in finding magazines and newspapers, bound periodicals, microforms, and for help using the library’s online periodical sources. Also, ask at the circulation desk for help in using the microfilm reader.  A complete list of periodicals can be found in the Periodical section or click here.  

Photocopy Usage

A photocopy machine for patron use in located at the circulation desk. A microfilm reader is also available and is located in room #106. Cost for copies is $.10 per page.

Library Instruction

Library instruction is available upon request. Please call 970-521-6612 and ask for availability. Research tutorials are also available online on the library home page or click here.

Collection Development

The library’s primary goal is to provide materials in various formats which support the curricular programs of Northeastern Junior College. Faculty input is welcome and encouraged regarding titles which are purchased and/or weeded from the library collection. View the Collection Development section here

Distance Learners

The library provides online services to all students, including distance learners. All students including distance learners can access the library’s web catalog and online journal databases. In addition, online reference and interlibrary loan requests are available to all students. Distance learners may request that materials be shipped to a nearby participating public library, to facilitate their use of library materials.


Loan Periods

  • Books check out for four weeks.
  • DVD's check out for two days except for weekends and holidays.
  • Sound recordings and audiobooks check out for four weeks.
  • Periodicals, reference, and most reserve materials must be used in the library.
  • Students will not be required to fill out a form to register for a computer login as the accounts are automatically created as part of the registration process. Students are still expected to abide by the computer use policies and procedures.
  • Community patrons will be allowed to research using computers designated for library research, but will not be able to have an individual login account. 

Ask at the circulation desk to apply for a library card, reserve materials, videos, interlibrary loan requests, and headphones. Check out and return library materials and receive directions to various areas in the library at the circulation desk.

Checkout Procedures

  • Community patrons must be at least 16 years of age and must present a Colorado picture ID with a local address and a second item with proof of the same address in order to be issued a borrowing card.
  • A current Northeastern Community library card is required in order to check out materials.
  • A patron must present his/her current Northeastern borrower's card in order to check out materials. It is NOT permissible to use a spouse's card or a card belonging to any other person.  
  • A $5.00 replacement fee will be assessed to community patrons who lose their library cards.
  • Library materials must be checked out five minutes prior to closing.  


  • The library materials may be renewed if they are not already overdue or on hold for another patron. Contact the circulation desk with items needing to be renewed. Renewals can also be made by calling the circulation desk at 970-521-6612. Please renew your items before they become overdue. 


  • $1.00 per day will be charged for overdue DVD's, videos and interlibrary loan materials and headphones.  A non-refundable processing fee will be imposed for each item that is 40 days overdue in the amounts of $20.00 for books (print and audio) and CD's, and for all videos – DVD, headphones and interlibrary loan items.
  • If patrons have outstanding fines or overdue materials, additional items cannot be checked out until materials are returned and fines are paid.
  • Registration holds will be placed on students' records when materials become 40 days overdue.  
  • Patrons will be billed for lost items when materials are 40 days overdue. A bill for lost or damaged items reflects the cost of the material plus a $20.00 material processing charge for each item.


Melissa Bornhoft
Assistant Director - Monahan Learning Center
Monahan Learning Center
Melissa Bornhoft
Jody McKean
Library Technician II
Monahan Learning Center
Jody McKean
Leslie Rosa
Library Technician III
Monahan Learning Center
Leslie Rosa
Catheryne Trenkle
Director-Academic Support Services
Monahan Learning Center- 224
Cate Trenkle