Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog
Approved A.A and A.S Electives
Any course approved as a Guaranteed Transfer course can be used to fulfill the additional elective requirements for the Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees. In addition, the courses listed below may also be used as electives for the A.A. or A.S. degrees. Exceptions must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
AAA Any AAA courses numbered 1000 or Higher: | |
ACC 1011 Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 1012 Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 1021 Accounting Principles I | 4 |
ACC 1022 Accounting Principles II | 4 |
ACC 1031 Income Tax | 3 |
ACC 2011 Intermediate Accounting I | 4 |
ACC 2012 Intermediate Accounting II | 4 |
ACC 2026 Cost Accounting | 3 |
AGR 2035 Precision Ag Operations | 3 |
AGR 2036 Precision Farming Hardware | 3 |
AGY 1100 General Crop Production | 4 |
AGY 1010 Industrial Hemp Production | 3 |
ANT Any course with an ANT Prefix | |
ART Any course with an ART Prefix | |
ASC 1100 Animal Sciences | 3 |
ASC 1101 Animal Sciences Lab | 1 |
ASC 1102 Intro to Equine Science | 4 |
ASC 1105 Intro to Large Animal Anatomy | 1 |
ASC 2125 Feeds & Feeding | 4 |
ASC 2130 Farm Animal Anatomy & Physiology | 3 |
AST Any course with an AST Prefix | |
BIO Any course with a BIO Prefix | |
BUS 1002 Entrepreneurial Operations | 3 |
BUS 1015 Introduction to Business | 3 |
BUS 1016 Personal Finance | 3 |
BUS 1020 Introduction to E-Commerce | 3 |
BUS 2003 Intro to International Business | 3 |
BUS 2016 Legal Environment of Business | 3 |
BUS 2017 Business Communication/Report Writing | 3 |
BUS 2026 Business Statistics | 3 |
CHE Any course with a CHE Prefix except CHE 103 | |
CIS 1018 Intro PC Applications | 3 |
CNG 1020 A+ Certification Preparation | 4 |
COM Any course with a COM Prefix | |
CRJ Any course with a CRJ Prefix | |
CSC 1019 Introduction to Programming | 3 |
ECE 1011 Intro to Early Child Education | 3 |
ECE 1045 Intro to Early Childhood Lab Tech | 3 |
ECE 1031 Guidance Strategies for Children | 3 |
ECE 2051 Nutrition, Health & Safety | 3 |
ECE 2621 Curriculum Development: Methods/Tech | 3 |
ECE 2381 Child Growth & Development | 3 |
ECE 2401 Administrative Early Child Care/Education Professional | 3 |
ECE 2411 Administrative Human Relations/Early Childhood Professional | 3 |
ECO Any Course with an ECO Prefix | |
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education | 3 |
EDU 2341 Multicultural Education | 3 |
EDU 2611 Teaching, Learning & Technology | 3 |
EGG Any course with an EGG Prefix | |
EMS 1015 First Responder | 3 |
EMS 1021 EMS Fundamentals | 3 |
ENG Any course with an ENG Prefix 1000 or higher, except ENG 1015, OR ENG 1031 Technical Writing I: CO1 | |
ENV Any course with an ENV Prefix | |
ETH Any course with an ETH Prefix | |
FIN 2010 Principles of Finance | 3 |
FRE Any course with a FRE Prefix | |
GEO Any course with a GEO Prefix | |
GEY Any course with a GEY Prefix | |
GIS 1001 Introduction to GIS | 3 |
GIS 1010 Introduction to Cartography for GIS | 3 |
HIS Any course with an HIS Prefix | |
HNR 1000 Honors Seminar | 1 |
HPE Any course with an HPE Prefix | |
HPR 1002 CPR for Professionals | 5 |
HPR 1010 Dietary Nutrition | 1 |
HPR 1039 Medical Terminology | 2 |
HPR 2017 Kinesiology | 4 |
HUM Any course with a HUM Prefix | |
HWE 1050 Human Nutrition | 3 |
HWE 1001 Community First Aid & CPR | 1 |
HWE 1062 Health & Fitness | 3 |
HWE 1003 Mental Health First Aid | 1 |
HWE 1061 Fitness & Wellness | 2 |
HWE 2060 Exercise/Nutrition & Body Composition | 3 |
JOU Any course with a JOU Prefix | |
LIT Any course with a LIT Prefix | |
MAN 1028 Human Relations in Organizations | 3 |
MAN 2000 Human Resource Management I | 3 |
MAN 2015 Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MAN 2016 Small Business Management | 3 |
MAN 2026 Principles of Management | 3 |
MAR 1011 Principles of Sales | 3 |
MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing | 3 |
MAR 2020 Principles of Advertising | 3 |
MAT Any course with a MAT Prefix 1240 or higher | |
MGD 1004 Videography | 3 |
MGD 1011 Adobe Photoshop I | 3 |
MGD 1012 Adobe Illustrator I | 3 |
MGD 1014 Adobe InDesign | 3 |
MGD 1016 Typography I | 3 |
MGD 1033 Graphic Design I | 3 |
MGD 2011 Adobe Photoshop II | 3 |
MUS Any course with a MUS Prefix | |
NUR - Any three credits (Must be 2000 Level) | |
PED Up to a maximum of four PED credits can be used as AA/AS electives | |
PHI Any course with a PHI Prefix | |
PHY Any course with a PHY Prefix | |
PSC Any course with a PSC Prefix | |
PSY Any course with a PSY Prefix | |
RAM 2005 Principles of Range Management | 3 |
REA 1030 Applied & Technical Reading | 2 |
REC Any course with a REC Prefix | |
SCI Any course with a SCI Prefix | |
SOC Any course with a SOC Prefix | |
SPA 1011 Spanish Language I | 5 |
SPA 1012 Spanish Language II | 5 |
THE Any course with a THE Prefix | |
WST Any course with a WST Prefix |