Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Guaranteed Transfer Courses - Arts and Humanities

Arts & Humanities  
Select three courses with no more than two courses from any one category  
Arts & Expression (AH1)  
ART 1110 Art Appreciation 3
ART 1111 Art History Ancient to Medieval 3
ART 1112 Art History Renaissance to Modern 3
ART 1113 Art History 1900 to Present 3
DAN 1050 History of Dance 3
ENG 2021 Creative Writing I 3
MUS 1020 Music Appreciation 3
MUS 1021 Music History:  Medieval through Classical Period 3
MUS 1022 Music History:  Early Romantic Period to Present 3
MUS 1023 Survey of World Music 3
MUS 1025 History of Jazz 3
THE 1005 Theatre Appreciation 3
THE 1008 Theatre Script Analysis 3
THE 2011 Development of Theatre:  Greek to Renaissance 3
THE 2012 Development of Theatre:  Restoration to Modern 3
THE 2015 Playwriting 3
Literature and Humanities (AH2):  
HUM 1003 Introduction to Film Art 3
HUM 1015 World Mythology 3
HUM 1021 Humanities: Early Civilization 3
HUM 1022 Humanities: Medieval to Modern 3
HUM 1023 Humanities: Modern World 3
LIT 1015 Introduction to Literature 3
LIT 2001 World Literature to 1600 3
LIT 2002 World Literature after 1600 3
LIT 2005 Ethnic Literature 3
LIT 2011 American Literature to Civil War 3
LIT 2012 American Literature after Civil War 3
LIT 2021 British Literature to 1770 3
LIT 2022 British Literature since 1770 3
LIT 2025 Introduction to Shakespeare 3
LIT 2046 Literature of Woman 3
LIT 2059 Survey of African American Literature 3
LIT 2068 Celtic Literature 3
Ways of Thinking (AH3):  
PHI 1011 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHI 1012 Ethics 3
PHI 1013 Logic 3
PHI 1014 Comparative Religions 3
PHI 1015 World Religions-West 3
PHI 1016 World Religions-East 3

PHI 1041 Old Testament


PHI 1041 New Testament

PHI 2005 Business Ethics 3
PHI 2014 Philosophy of Religion 3
PHI 2018 Environmental Ethics 3
PHI 2020 Philosophy of Death and Dying 3
World Languages (AH4):  
ASL 2221 American Sign Language IV 3
ASL 2222 American Sign Language V 3
FRE 2011 French Language III 3
FRE 2012 French Language IV 3
GER 2011 German Language III 3
GER 2012 German Language VI 3
ITA 2011 Italian Language III 3
ITA 2012 Italian Language IV 3
JPN 2011 Japanese Language III 3
JPN 2012 Japanese Language IV 3
RUS 2011 Russian Language III 3
RUS 2012 Russian Language IV 2
SPA 2011 Spanish Language III 3
SPA 2012 Spanish Language IV 3

Classes in Italics indicate the course is generally offered at least once every other year.  Most are offered every year, but some rotate on an every other year basis with other courses.