Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Admission Classification

As an open-enrollment institution, all students who are 17 years of age or older may enroll in college credit courses that are part of an academic degree program. Based on individual credentials, students will be classified as either “regular” or “special” students.

Regular Classification 

Applies to graduates of accredited high schools or applicants with a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) who may enroll with a part-time or full-time credit load. The college prefers students submit ACT or SAT scores at the time of application.

Concurrent Enrollment Classification 

These students take classes for both high school and college credit. This includes concurrent enrollment classes offered at their local high school and classes students may take on the Northeastern campus. To be a concurrent enrollment student, students must work with and receive permission from their local high school for the courses prior to enrolling in a college class. High school students who enroll in Northeastern courses without permission from their local high school will be charged for the class and any associated fees. 

Special Classification 

Includes non-high school graduates, students graduating from non-accredited high schools, students who have not attained a GED, those who have completed a home school program, or those under 17 years of age. Students may enroll with a part-time or full-time credit load.

Students from home school programs or non-accredited high schools over the age of 17 are initially enrolled as “special” students. Students of home-based education must be compliant with C.R.S. 22-33-104.5. prior to applying to Northeastern. A student may be completing one or more semesters with satisfactory academic performance. Home-schooled students may advance to “regular” status by obtaining passing scores on the Ability-to-Benefit test (Accuplacer).

Students younger than 17 years of age who seek admission must obtain an underage waiver form to enroll in credit classes.

Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to a specific program. In addition to general admission requirements, each student must provide evidence of adequate background to successfully pursue the program in which they wish to enroll. Admission to one program does not automatically satisfy entrance requirements for other courses of study. Professional counselors and academic advisors are available to assist students in this evaluation process before the selection of a program or transfer from one program to another.


Northeastern Junior College classifies students by the following categories:

  • Freshman: a student who has earned fewer than 30 academic semester credit hours.
  • Sophomore: a student who has earned 30 or more academic semester credit hours.


  • Full-time student: a student registered for 12 or more credit hours per semester.
  • Part-time student: a student registered for under 12 credit hours per semester.