Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

NP 3-60.04 – Classified Staff Leave

Employees classified under the State Department of Personnel & Administration’s Personnel System are granted leave in accordance with leave policies as stated in the State Personnel Board Rules & Administrative Procedures, pages 12-16 as noted in the Employee Handbook for 2017-2018 published by the Department of Personnel & Administration.  The State of Colorado Medical Certification form, completed by a health care provider, is required when the absence is more than three consecutive full working days or the use of sick leave shall be denied in accordance with statute.  The form may be required for absences less than three days.  This form is used for both personal and family conditions.  Classified employees may access this information at the following web site:

Colorado Government Website Link

Reference:  State Board Administrative Rules & Procedures, P-5-1 through P-5-39