Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Updates, precautions and other information about the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak

Travel notice to all Students, Faculty, and Staff

For college-sponsored international travel:

College sponsored or related travel to countries identified by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as Level Two of Level Three Countries (as of March 11, there were four countries currently on this list) should be cancelled. Please check this CDC website page for the latest travel advisory information. Again, any plans to travel to countries on the CDC coronavirus list is not advised.

For college-sponsored domestic travel:

College-sponsored or related travel to communities within states where governors have declared a state of emergency related to COVID-19 is not advised (please check the CDC website for up-to-date information on states that have made such declarations). Colorado is a state that falls into this category.

For personal travel by employees and students:

Northeastern students and employees are urged to voluntarily disclose any upcoming travel plans out of the state of Colorado during this time. Students should notify the Vice President of Student Services of their travel plans out of Colorado, and Northeastern faculty and staff should inform the human resources office on campus. 

Employees and students that travel to CDC-identified Level Three and Level Two countries should recognize that they may face the possibility of being quarantined in a different state for a period of 14 or more days upon attempting to return and re-enter the United States.

For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in Colorado, please visit the state's Department of Public Health and Environment website. More localized information is available at the Northeast Colorado Health Department website.

Gov. Jared Polis has declared a state of emergency in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). The declaration will help ensure resources are available to the state to combat COVID-19. 

About COVID-19, the novel coronavirus

Coronarviruses are a group or family of viruses that are actually very common and have been around – and infecting humans – for a long time. Most people tend to get mild “common cold” symptoms from this family of viruses at some time in their lives (i.e., a runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat and possibly a fever). This is a virus that can also cause pneumonia or bronchitis. Coronaviruses typically spread from person to person just like other common cold viruses: through close contact, via airborne particulates from uncovered coughs and sneezes, and from surfaces an infected person has touched by hand, and then via touch to there their eyes, nose or mouth.

The current outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in China is due to a newer virus strain in the coronavirus family of viruses. This newer strain is causing a range of severity of illness in people, from mild infections to severe and sometimes fatal infections that cause pneumonia. The first cases of this virus were found in one region in China in December. The first United States case was confirmed on Jan. 21. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a good resource for up to date information about preventative measures and the state of the Novel coronavirus worldwide and in the U.S.: How to Protect Yourself & Others

Northeastern Junior College, working with Logan County authorities and medical resources, is taking extra precautions to monitor for the virus. In concert with the Colorado Community College System and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the college’s plan is to carefully monitor for any indications of COVID-19 infections and, if necessary, engage community medical professionals as quickly as possible to swiftly identify needs to isolate any individual who may have contracted the virus to help minimize the spread of the virus.

Preventative measures

  • PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS, and do it often!
  • Avoid touching your eyes and face
  • Avoid direct exposure to sick individuals
  • If you must be in proximity to others who have flu-like symptoms, it is recommended you wear an N95 respirator mask, if available.

Advice for those with symptoms

I have viral or cold symptoms. Should I be concerned?

There are also many cases of the common cold and flu across the college community. If someone is ill, it is critically important not to assume that they have the COVID-19 coronavirus.

If you have not been in east Asia or southeast Asia since early January, your risk of having the virus is very low. If you have symptoms of a cold, flu, or pneumonia (coughing, fever, chills, chest pain when you breathe or cough, and difficulty breathing), and you have recently traveled to east Asia or southeast Asia, contact your healthcare provider immediately and Northeastern’s VP of Student Services (Hays 113) and tell him if you have symptoms consistent with the flu or the novel coronavirus. If you plan to travel to east Asia or southeast Asia soon, you must follow the travel warnings from the U.S. State Department and you should consult with your health provider for advice. You may need to change or delay your travel plans given the evolving nature of the COVID-19 outbreak. If you are traveling as a Northeastern student or employee, it is critical you follow all pre-travel protocols through the office, department or club sponsoring your travel and follow all college travel policies and guidelines.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an excellent resource for information about the virus. For the latest news on the outbreak.

The World Health Organization has declared the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. CDC has recommendations for individuals and families to prepare in the event of local temporary restrictions.

Thank you for your cooperation, and stay safe!

Trenton Schwarzer
Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security

Northeastern Pandemic Plan


Melissa Bornhoft
Assistant Director - Monahan Learning Center
Monahan Learning Center
Melissa Bornhoft
Brant Davis
Director- Residence Life and Student Activities
Hays Student Center 113
Brant Davis dark brown hair with a black shirt on
Kelli Moe
Administrative Assistant III
Hays Student Center 113
Kelli Moe
Leslie Rosa
Library Technician III
Monahan Learning Center
Leslie Rosa
Steven Smith
Vice President-Student Services
Hays Student Center 113
Steve Smith
Catheryne Trenkle
Director-Academic Support Services
Monahan Learning Center- 224
Catheryne Trenkle
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