Operations and Procedures Manual

College Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees

College Standing Committees

Please send any changes and information updates to the Human Resources Office.

Academic Advising Committee

Chair:  Director Concurrent Enrollment/Student Success

Committee Members:  Faculty representative from each of the following:  Agriculture; Business; Physical Education; Career Technical; Math/Science; Humanities/Social Science; Also includes Vice President Academic Services and Vice President Student Services (ex-officio members)

Purpose:  To improve individual and institutional processes which support the student-advising program.  (Meets Monthly)

Academic Standards Committee

Chair:  Vice President for Student Services

Committee Members:  Registrar; and one full-time faculty representative from each of the following: Agriculture; Career Technical; Business, Human Performance & Sport; Math/Science; Humanities/Social Science; Director of CLC; Director of Student Success Center.

Purpose:  To review all student appeals for academic suspension and to review/propose new and revised policies to maintain and improve the academic standards of NJC.  (Meets As Needed)

Accessibility Committee

Chair:  Director of Academic Support Services

Committee Members:  Physical Plant Director; College Counselor; Director of Human Resources; faculty representative from each of the following: Agriculture, Business; Physical Education, Math/Science and Academic Technical; and Humanities/Social Sciences; and one student

Purpose:  To review and recommend solutions for accessibility needs and problems on campus.  (Meets twice yearly.)

Curriculum and Instruction Committee

Chair:  The committee chair shall be a faculty member elected by the committee.  For the purpose of identifying an eligible faculty member, FACULTY should be defined as any employee, regardless of contract type, who is assigned teaching responsibilities as 50% or more of their contracted duties.  The faculty member should be at least half time (.5 FTE) employee based on required teaching load. (February 2020)

Committee Members: Vice President of Academic Affairs, Academic Department Chairs, Academic Liaisons, Representatives to State Faculty Curriculum Committee, Faculty Association appointees, Director of Student Success, Vice President of Student Services, and Registrar.

Purpose:  To provide the mechanism for Instructional Divisions to initiate and approve curricular changes, additions and deletions.  (Meet monthly to deal with curricular issues.)

Facilities Planning & Usage Committee

Chair:  Vice President for Administrative Services

Committee Members:  Physical Plant Director; Residence Life Director, Facilities Use Coordinator; Vice President of Student Services; Vice President of Academic Affairs; Director of Information Technology; and Athletic Director

Purpose: (1) To initiate and/or review capital construction and controlled maintenance requests, and subsequently recommend/not recommend such projects for submission to the CCHE capital projects committee, and (2) to assure maximum facility use coordination and efficiencies by evaluating, recommending, and prioritizing interdepartmental facility remodeling, renovation, or change in use requests.  (Meets Quarterly)

Assessment Leadership Team

Chair:  Assessment Coordinator

Steering Committee Members:  A minimum of one faculty member shall be selected from each of the academic discipline areas (Health, Math & Science; Business & Cosmetology; Liberal Arts, Agriculture, and the Applied Technology Campus).

Purpose:  To assess student learning outcomes through multiple measures and use ongoing data to alter/improve instructional program and impact institutional budgets to improve student learning. 

Human Resources Leadership Team

Chair:  Director of Human Resources

Committee Members:   Vice President of Academic Affairs; one representative from the following:  APT; Classified Staff; Faculty

Purpose:  The State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education is committed to providing professional development opportunities for faculty and staff that fosters organizational development through activities that develop a better understanding of the system/colleges role and mission, enhances student learning, develops leadership and management skills, and promotes individual and organizational effectiveness pursuant to BP 3-65.  To that end Northeastern Junior College, through the Human Resources Leadership Team (HRLT), will develop, promote, and support professional development programs designed to enhance student learning and strengthen management and leadership skills of NJC employees at all levels.   (Meets Monthly)

Learning Services Council

Chair:  Vice President of Academic Affairs

Committee Members:  Vice President of Academic Affairs; Vice President. Student Services, Student Services Directors, Academic Department Chairs, Director of Distance Learning, Director of Information Technology

Purpose:  To address and review academic issues facing the college, enhance communication, generate FTE.  (Meets Monthly)

President’s Leadership Team

Chair:  Northeastern President

Committee Members:  Vice President of Administrative Services; Vice President of Student Services; Vice President of Academic Affairs, Human Resources Director, Northeastern Foundation Executive Director, Faculty Senate President, Athletic/Event Center Director, ASG President, Director of Marketing & Executive Assistant.

Purpose:  To facilitate communication, planning a coordinated administration among all college departments and divisions.  Members regularly analyze the state of the college to determine the best course of action to advance the college mission and goals.

Safety & Security Committee

Chair:  VP Student Services

Committee Members:  The committee shall consist of representatives from Northeastern including the President, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Campus Safety & Security Coordinator, Director of Information Technology, Director of Physical Plant, and other key faculty and staff; and representatives from the Sterling Fire Department and Logan County Emergency Operations.

MISSION: Our mission is to create and maintain a safe and secure environment where teaching and campus life can thrive and succeed.

College Ad-Hoc Committees

College Hearing Board

Chair:  Appointed from the Board Membership

Committee Members:  Appointed by College President – College Administrative Representative; three Faculty Representatives; and one ASG Student Representative; other representatives may be added at the discretion of the College President

Purpose:  To hear all student disciplinary appeal cases through the student judicial system beyond the residential life program and after decisions by the Chief Judicial Officer.  (Meets as Needed)

The ONLY grounds for appeal are as follows:

  1. A material procedural or substantive error occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing (e.g. substantiated bias, material deviation from established procedures); which must be explained in the written appeal; or
  2. To consider new evidence, unavailable during the investigation or hearing that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included in the written appeal, as well as the reasons the new evidence was not available during the original proceeding. 

Commencement Committee

Chair:  Vice President for Student Services

Committee Members:  College President; Student Ambassador Advisor; ASG Representative; Physical Plant Director; Food Service Manager; Director BCEC/Athletics; Director of Marketing Services; President of Faculty Association; and additional members as appointed

Purpose:  To plan, organize and conduct the annual college commencement and reception.  (Meets as Needed)

Peer Review Panel

Chair:  Elected by panel members as per procedures established under SP 3-20a

Committee Members:  The Faculty Senate shall elect a panel of thirteen members from the regular faculty in September of every even-numbered year.

Purpose:  This panel is established to hear faculty requests for review of a college president’s action, which may be appealed under BP 3-20.

SERM Committee

Co-Chair: Director of Admission & Director of Student Success

Committee Members:  Membership consists of faculty members from various departments (3-5), VPSS, VPI, VPAS, Career Coach, College Communications Liaison Officer,  and Admissions Recruiter.

Purpose: The Strategic Enrollment & Retention Management (SERM) Committee was developed to create a 5-year strategic plan addressing recruitment, and student success, retention & completion. The plan will be evaluated by the SERM committee every year.