Students sending love

Peer Helpers

The Northeastern Junior College Peer Helpers are a group of highly visible student leaders that promote healthy living and positive lifestyles through a variety of fun and exciting programs.

Programs include "The Great American Smoke-Out," National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, Sexual Responsibility, and the end of year Block Party. In addition to program planning, Peer Helpers are also trained and certified through Bacchus and Gamma to help their fellow students with problem-solving and conflict resolution.

Peer Helper Scholarship

Developed in 1985, the Peer Helper Scholarship seeks to reward up to 12 students of high quality and scholarship who work as resource personnel with Northeastern Student Success Center. At the completion of required training phases, the cash stipend progressively increases and may renew for the student’s sophomore year upon a positive recommendation by the staff.

Applications are available at the beginning of each school year in the Student Success Center. Three letters of recommendation, a personal statement of goals and/or experience, proof of academic achievement and a personal interview are also required. Selection is made shortly after the beginning of the fall semester.

Student & Alumni Profiles

Photo of Helin Halden, from Turkey
Student Profile
Helin Halden, Turkey

The most important thing that I see at Northeastern is that everybody is helpful. Sometimes I don't understand or I can't talk perfectly but everybody is trying to listen and understand me. Also it's hard to stay far away from family, but here I can feel more comfortable because everyone says, "Hello, how are you?", "How's it going?", to each other. That is perfect!

Kelli Carlson
Student Profile
Kelli Carlson

I love studying agriculture business because of the versatility. In my classes I learn a wide array of topics from all fields including non-agriculture industries.

Taner Brandner
Student Profile
Taner Brandner

The teachers make it feel less like a school and more like a group of friends hanging out, while still learning.


Alan Coffin
E.S. French
Alan Coffin
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar