Student Handbook

2.24(a) Student Transfer Appeals Process

Consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, CCCS Colleges have established a Transfer Appeals Process. Based upon the initial transcript evaluation of transfer credits completed, a student may appeal:

  1.  A decision regarding the transferability of a specific course(s);
  2.  A decision regarding the placement of a specific course(s); or
  3. The college’s failure to provide a transcript evaluation within the designated 30-day calendar period.


Appeal and Initial Decision

  1. Student should meet with the Transcript Evaluator and/or the Director of Admissions and Records to request clarification within 10 calendar days of the date of the evaluation.
  2. The appeal must be submitted to the Director of Admissions and Records in writing within 15 calendar days of the date of the evaluation.
  3. The decisions regarding course transferability and/or placement made in the initial transcript evaluation will be binding if the student fails to file a written appeal within 15 calendar days.
  4. The Transfer Credit Appeal Committee will have 30 calendar days to review the student’s appeal and inform the student in writing of the committee’s decision on the appeal including the rationale for that decision. In addition, the student shall be informed in writing of the process for appealing this decision.
  5. The student is informed by the committee of the remaining appeal options. Failure to do so will result in the committee’s decision being considered null and void. The student’s request prevails and cannot be overturned by the college.

Appeal Beyond Initial Decision

  1. The initial decision may be appealed by filing a written appeal with the Vice President of Academic Affairs within 15 calendar days of the postmark date of the letter notifying the student of the committee’s decision. If the student fails to file an appeal within this time period, the original or initial decision shall be binding.
  2. The college will hear and reach a decision on the appeal within 15 calendar days after the appeal is filed.
  3. The student will be notified in writing by the college of its decision regarding the transfer appeal and the rationale for the decision. In addition, the student may appeal the decision to CCCS.

Appeal to Colorado Community College System (CCCS)

  1. The student may appeal the decision of the college by filing a written appeal with the Academic Vice President of CCCS or Educational Services Curriculum Committee within 5 calendar days of the postmark date of the letter notifying the student of the college’s decision. If the student fails to file an appeal within this time period, the college’s decision will be binding.
  2. CCCS staff shall review and reach a decision on the appeal within 30 calendar days after the appeal is filed.
  3. The student will be notified in writing by CCCS of its decision regarding the transfer appeal and the rationale for the decision. In addition, the student is informed by the college that the student may appeal the decision by filing a written appeal with the Colorado Commission on the Higher Education within 5 calendar days of the postmark date of the letter notifying the student of the decision by CCCS.

Appeal to Colorado Department of High Education (CDHE)

The student initiates an appeal by informing the Commission in writing of the situation and the reason for the appeal, which involves one of the following:

1. Violation of the Student Bill of Rights
2. Noncompliance with the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) policies pertaining to transfer, student fees, etc.
3. Failure of an institution to follow its established policies and procedures.
4. Failure of an institution to respond to a student's written appeal withing 30 days.

The Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) appeal process is not designed to resolve disputes between an individual and an institution that involves grades, billing, terms, of employment or athletic eligibility. NJC tuition classification decisions cannot be appealed to the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).


To initiate an appeal with the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE), submit a written request describing the issue(s) and steps taken to resolve the issue with the College. Eligible appeals will follow the full appeal process. Appeals to NJC will be referred to the appropriate college authority. For more information regarding the Colorado Student Appeal Process, go to 

To initiate this process at the Commission level, a student may appeal by submitting a written request (letter or email) describing the issue and steps the student has taken to resolve the issue. Eligible appeals, as indicated above, will follow the full appeal process. Appeals that involve issues that are reserved for the institution will be referred to the appropriate college authority.

Full Appeal Process

The Department will assist the student by identifying the institutional staff person or department that is in the best position to resolve the issues directly. If the institution does not act on the appeal within thirty days from the date that the appeal was received or if the outcome appears inconsistent with state policy, the student may formally request a hearing by Department’s Appeal Board.

For issues that are within the Department’s authority, the Department will convene the appeals board. The board will request that the institution provide a 1-2 page document for rationale for its decision. The board will review the submitted material within two weeks and will meet to hear the student’s appeal. The board will recommend appropriate action. To ensure timely implementation of the decision, the decision will be communicated to both the student and institution. Such decisions are binding and not subject to further appeal. The Department will respond to all other issues by letter.

Expedited Appeal Process

An enrolled student who receives a transcript evaluation that does not award general education transfer credit for a “state guaranteed” general education course may appeal directly to the Department. The disputed credit must be earned in a course in which a student received a grade of “C” or better. The student must have enrolled during the 2002-2003 academic year or later. The Department staff will resolve such cases within five days.