Aggies Club

The Aggies Club is the oldest club on campus.

The Aggies Club was established during the 1968-69 academic year, making the 2018-2019 academic year the 50th Anniversary of the club. It is open to any student who has an interest in Agriculture.

It has traditionally been the largest club on campus, but now shares that title with the Collegiate Farm Bureau as students are encouraged to join both clubs. The club meets once monthly for a meeting and meal. It also has at least one additional activity each month. The activities center on community service, recreation, leadership and education.

The club is best known in the community for hosting an annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry where over 300 community/campus individuals attend. They host an all-campus Casino Night at least once a year and also keep a two-mile stretch of Highway 14 clean through the Adopt-A-Highway program.

Recreational activities included Turkey Bowling at Thanksgiving time, an Ugly Christmas Sweater and Gingerbread House competition at Christmas time, Easter egg dying in the spring and a Watermelon Explosion. Educational topics vary and usually involve bringing in a guest speaker or going through a Call to Action program to learn how to better advocate for Agriculture.

For more information, check out our NJC Aggies Facebook page or contact the club advisors - Mr. Larry Pollart ( or Ms. Emily Mollohan (



Student & Alumni Profiles

Photo of Helin Halden, from Turkey
Student Profile
Helin Halden, Turkey

The most important thing that I see at Northeastern is that everybody is helpful. Sometimes I don't understand or I can't talk perfectly but everybody is trying to listen and understand me. Also it's hard to stay far away from family, but here I can feel more comfortable because everyone says, "Hello, how are you?", "How's it going?", to each other. That is perfect!

Benjamin Goff in front of his type 3 fire engine
Alumni Profile
Benjamin Goff

Northeastern was the best choice because I got what I wanted.  NJC made it happen! 

Forrest Quinn Tappy
Student Profile
Forrest Quinn Tappy

The science program at NJC is filled with exemplary professors who encourage and care about their students greatly.


Larry Pollart
Animal Science
Larry Pollart
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar