Diesel Power Club 2019

Diesel Power Club

Diesel Power Club is open to all Diesel Technology students.

In the past, the club has had members that were not in the diesel program. DPM Club tries to meet at least two times a month with more meetings as needed before major club events. Diesel Power Club started with promoting and handling a small Toy Show during the Northeastern Auto Show put on by the Auto Technology students.

As time went on the club did the concessions for the Northeastern Auto Show. A meeting was held in fall 2015, and by a unanimous vote, it stated the club would try to put on a truck mud competition. Hence, Mudd Evil Dayz  was born. Diesel Power Club, with the help of college administration, student government and Colorado’s Mud Racing Club has put on four annual Mudd Evil Dayz that keeps getting bigger and bigger. It has gotten to be such a big event that local city government and radio stations have teamed up to have it at the county fairgrounds. This event has helped the diesel students raise money for club BBQs, field trips, projects, tools and equipment. This event is now part of the Colorado Mud Racing clubs race schedule with it being the first of every season.

With events like this the club members build team work, leadership skills, marketing knowledge and long lasting friendships with fellow classmates and mud competition competitors. Since the beginning of Mudd Evil Dayz the club has been presented with the 2015-16 and the 2018-19 Associated Student Government Club of the Year Award.

Diesel Power Club has also had a project going on since 2015, building a 1941 Diamond T Rat Truck. This was an old truck that was pulled out of a junk yard and the body was put on a 1987 semi frame with a DT series International engine, Allison transmission and a class 8 semi frame with air brakes and suspension. The club gets together on snowy cold weekends and works on the project while eating pizzas. This gives the students a chance to be creative and learn fabrication skills along with being a part of what is now the Diesel Programs school mascot “ EL Diablo” Everything is voted on by the club including the name “ El Diablo”. To see firsthand these club events go to Northeastern Diesel Facebook.

Student & Alumni Profiles

Northeastern logo with alumni written over it used when no picture is available
Alumni Profile
Elly Cochran

I was able to learn different aspects of many different specialties such as OB, OR, geriatrics, and mental health. It gave me more of an idea which specialties I liked, and which ones I did not.

Alex sitting at in a library
Student Profile
Alexander J. Norell

I choose NJC for its affordability and its rather informal education style. Because it is a small college you have more one on one opportunities with your instructors.

Alaina Lueth
Student Profile
Alaina Lueth

NJC is convenient and can help me with my career goals.