Math and Science Club

The Northeastern Junior College Math and Science Club is open to all Northeastern students. We meet in Whyman Hall, room 207 each Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.

Outdoor recreational activities include, hiking, water rockets, and star parties (set up telescopes and view celestial objects, where we also roast hot dogs and marshmallows). During the cold months, indoor activities include mad scientist experiments, hydrogen rockets, socializing, refreshments, chess with Mr. Gaines once a month and more.

We also like to plan hiking trips, eclipse parties, & take trips to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver Zoo, and other fun & interesting events or occasions. We carry out a variety of community service activities such as a Halloween food drive, highway trash pickup, science fair judging and plastic bottle recycling. The club sponsors the Math and Science Outstanding Students Awards each spring.

Student & Alumni Profiles

Filippa Goula
Student Profile
Filippa Goula, Greece

One thing that I will never forget is when I came here everyone was so friendly and welcoming. If someone has an opportunity to come here, they should take it! It is a special experience to see the world in another way and spread their horizons.

Staci Foos
Student Profile
Staci Foos

I have loved every minute of my experience at Northeastern. I appreciate the multiple and diverse clinical sites which helped me get a feel for all different types of nursing available to me.

John Bosbyshell
Alumni Profile
John Bosbyshell

Great things can happen to you when you attend Northeastern. Opportunities are plentiful and you have an advantage over other candidates because of the foundation and ability to quickly learn and adjust as new things.

Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
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