Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Graduation Requirements

The catalog used during the student's first semester is the reference for determining degree or certificate completion requirements.

The effective catalog may, however, be no more than six years old at graduation, i.e., if a student takes longer than six years to complete a degree or certificate, newer catalog requirements will be used. A student may elect to meet the requirements of any subsequent catalog published the previous six years from the graduation date, including the current year.

A student who has a break in college enrollment of two consecutive semesters or more, excluding the summer semester, must meet the Program Requirements of the catalog in use at the time of readmission. Any previously completed Northeastern Junior College occupational course work may be subject to an evaluation of relevancy to any revised program.

If the student previously enrolled in an occupational program that has been discontinued, the student cannot re-enroll in that program.

The college reserves the right to substitute courses for those no longer offered, to modify course content at any time, to approve the substitution of one course for another in any program or degree, or to waive any course prerequisite or co-requisite.

All lower-division undergraduate credit hours awarded within the prior ten years will apply towards completing the graduation requirements. Credits more than ten years old will receive careful consideration.

In conjunction with the Department Chairs of the respective academic divisions, the Registrar reserves the right to examine courses over ten years old to determine their currency and applicability to existing curriculum and programming before credit is accepted.

Graduation Application

Students who expect to graduate must complete an Application for Graduation by the beginning of their final semester. Applications for Graduation can be completed online with assistance from the student's advisor and/or Department Chair.

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors recognize outstanding academic achievement throughout a student's academic career at the home institution. The honors are awarded to students who complete the requirements for an associate degree, complete 30 credits at NJC, and earn a 3.5 or better cumulative grade point average at the institution. Only college-level courses completed at the institution will be included in the GPA calculation.

The three levels of recognition are defined as follows and will be posted on the student's transcript.

  • Cum Laude ("with honor") 3.50 to 3.749 Cumulative GPA
  • Magna Cum Laude ("with great honor") 3.75 to 3.99
  • Summa Cum Laude ("with highest honor") 4.00 Cumulative GPA