Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Repeating Courses

The college recognizes the varied circumstances when a student requests to repeat a course such as, but not limited to, the following: an unacceptable grade earned will not transfer, a required course is mandatory for graduation or transfer, or a demonstrated need to raise a low Grade Point Average (GPA) for graduation.

To understand how a repeat class could affect grade point average and overall transcript, the student should consult an academic advisor before enrolling in the same class for a second time.

All college-level courses may be repeated. Each registration for the course and each grade received will be listed on the transcript.

On the transcript, a notation will follow the course indicating that the course was repeated and designating whether the course will be included in the GPA. The highest grade will be used in the GPA calculation. If the grade for the repeated course is the same as the original grade, only the most recent grade will count in the GPA calculation. All credit hours earned for initial and repeated courses will be deducted from a student's remaining COF stipend eligible hours.

"Repeated" courses may be applied only once to a certificate or degree, except for variable credit courses and designated courses that may be repeated for professional or personal development. To replace a grade, the course must be taken at Northeastern.

Developmental courses are eligible to be repeated. All developmental courses will appear on the transcript.

All courses, which students enroll for, after the drop date will be listed on the student's transcript and none will be eliminated by future enrollments or course completions. Credit hours can only be earned once for any course.

Any semester course can be repeated (no restrictions on the type of course or the previous grade) and only the highest grade will be used for computation of the grade point average.

The most recent grade will be included in the term and cumulative GPA if a duplicate grade is earned. All previous grades in a given course will also appear on the student's transcript.

All other duplicate grades will be excluded from the term and cumulative GPA. Students should direct questions on repeating courses to an academic advisor, the Records Office, or the Student Success Center.

Note: Due to the logistics of the college conversion from quarters to semesters in the fall of 1988, the repeat policy is limited to those courses completed from the fall of 1988 to the present.