Northeastern Junior College Campus
Northeastern Junior College Foundation

Information for Advisors

It is always appropriate to consult with your professional advisors when considering an estate gift.  The following information can help your advisor facilitate any gift you might wish to make:
Legal Name:Northeastern Junior College Foundation
Address:100 College Avenue  Sterling, CO 80751


Brokerage Information

Northeastern Junior College Foundation gratefully accepts gifts of publicly traded securities.  In general, donating securities in appreciated positions will help maximize an individual’s tax benefit, as the associated charitable income tax deduction is typically based on the full fair market value of the security.  No capital gains tax would be payable by the donor or Northeastern Junior College Foundation. 

For more information about gifts of securities or to request brokerage information for Northeastern Junior College Foundation, please contact the Foundation at, 970-521-6777

Recommended Language for Bequests and Testamentary Gifts:

Sample language for a specific bequest to Northeastern Junior College Foundation through a will or living trust:

“I give to Northeastern Junior College Foundation, 100 College Avenue, Sterling, CO 80751, a Colorado non-profit corporation, the sum of $_______ [or ______% of my estate; or the property described herein], for its general purposes.”

Sample language for a residuary bequest to Northeastern Junior College Foundation is:

“I give to Northeastern Junior College Foundation, 100 College Avenue, Sterling, CO 80751, a Colorado non-profit corporation, all [or ____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.”

Beneficiary Designation

A person wishing to support Northeastern Junior College Foundation through a retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy, should request a Beneficiary Change Form from his/her company or plan administrator.  Beneficiary Change forms are typically available online.  Please indicate the desired gift amount or percentage and return/submit the completed form. 

Other Arrangements

Northeastern Junior College Foundation also encourages estate gifts through other arrangements, including Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts.  However, Northeastern Junior College Foundation prefers not to serve as Trustee for these gifts. 

Purpose of Gift

People who make estate or outright gifts may designate their gift for a specific purpose.  Examples include:

  • Endowed Scholarship Fund – Create a named endowed scholarship to support  students
  • Endowed Program Fund – Named fund to permanently support an academic program of choice
  • General Endowment – Funds are permanently invested to provide recurring income to the College
  • General Mission – Gift utilized to support area(s) of greatest need

A person who contributes $25,000 or more may establish a Named Endowed Fund.  As highlighted above, a Named Endowed Fund could fund student scholarships or support an academic program of choice. Typically, these funds are named in honor of the donor and/or family, or perhaps to honor another loved one(s).    


Thank You!


Northeastern Junior College Foundation created the Plainsmen Heritage Society to honor and recognize those who remember us with an estate gift.  This provides us with an opportunity to say “thank you” during a person’s life.

The College also recognizes that some donors prefer to remain anonymous regarding a future estate gift.  We will honor and respect these wishes in full.  In addition, we also seek the opportunity to share our gratitude for an estate gift whenever possible.

In some cases, a client may allow an advisor to share his/her name with the College.  In others, an advisor can play a helpful role in forwarding a ‘Thank You’ letter to a client, while still preserving client anonymity. 

If your client moves forward with an estate gift, we would appreciate any guidance about the best way to share our gratitude.  Northeastern Junior College Foundation places great importance on thanking people for their confidence and generosity, while also respecting their wishes for anonymity in every instance. 


Mattie Haney
Executive Director Foundation
E.S. French
Mattie Haney
Amber St Clair-Kapteyn
Foundation Assistant
E.S. French
Amber St. Clair-Kapteyn
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