Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices



The degree to which the product device or product is available to as many people as possible. An accessible web page is one that can be used effectively by a person with a disability in the same capacity as a person without a disability.


Compliance is satisfied when web content meets with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG)-Level A and AA, also reviewing for updated Guidelines as they are approved by the WCAG and W3 communities.  


The department head and/or designated individual responsible for developing and maintaining any content accessible through the web.

Course Shell:

A course shell is a space created for a course located within the learning management system (LMS). This space is used to deliver instructional materials and manage and access course activities using various tools within the shell.


When any web content is found to be out of compliance with accessibility standards, a process of "remediation" is undertaken to either retrofit, redesign, or remove the content.

Web-based materials:

 All documents, web pages, and communications delivered over the Internet, Intranet, or through e-mail.


Learning Management System. The system being used to deliver online course materials. The current system at NJC is Desire2Learn’s Brightspace (D2L).

Accessible Web Page:

An accessible web page is one that can be used effectively by a person with a disability in the same capacity as a person without a disability.