Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

NP 6-10.03 Computer Hardware or Software Requests

Faculty and staff are not to load programs from a CD, or download from the Internet any software, shareware, screen savers, games and browser enhancements to the hard drives of their college computers. Because some software interferes with network operations, faculty and staff must notify the Northeastern Information Technologies Staff when software needs to be loaded.  Employees should notify the Computer Center when they need hardware modifications. 

Computer Center requests are completed via the Intranet. All Northeastern staff must fill out the request forms located at the Northeastern Web site in order to receive assistance related to hardware and software modifications. The Internet connection on the Northeastern home page at: Information Technology Support Ticket . The computer center facilitates network requests, or hardware/software requests. The employee fills in the blanks and clicks on the submit button. The request will go to a database and the employee will receive an immediate response indicating that the Computer Center staff has received the request.  For more information, contact the Director of Information Technology at ext. 6787.

NOTE:  The Director of Information Technology purchases any hardware or software needed. This is necessary to make sure that all hardware and software is compatible to the existing servers and LAN networks utilized by the college. No other college personnel are authorized to make purchases unless delegated by the Director of Information Technology.

Reference: SP 3-125c General Computer and Information Systems Procedures