A masked nurse in a surgical room looks confidently at the camera. Northeastern prepares our nursing degree students for any career in the field.
Area of Study


Educating Nurses since 1964. Northeastern's Nursing Program has a long history of success in producing graduates that excel in the nursing field.
ADN Steps to Admission - Application requirements and procedure for the Associate of Applied Science Nursing Program. Applications are accepted Jan. 1st until the class is full.
Students who have applied to the nursing program on or before April 1st will receive preferential consideration for the August start (applications will be accepted after April 1st until the class is full of qualified candidates)

Accepting application for the Fall 2025 ADN class until class is full of qualified candidates. APPLY SOON!

Effective Fall 2024 BIO2104 Micro Biology is no longer a required course 

Step 1: Apply to Northeastern Junior College (NJC) for general college admission, if you are not a current NJC student. Upon completion of admission you will obtain your Student number. (Example S01234567).  If you already have an S number from another Colorado Community College System (CCCS) school, you are still required to apply to Northeastern Junior College. You can apply to NJC on-line at www.njc.edu.  

Step 2: Before registering for courses at NJC you need to show readiness for college course work in reading, math and English. This can be accomplished by a  Placement test, ACT scores, Placement self-survey or comparable course work. Set up a meeting with an advisor to determine the best approach for you.

Step 3:  Complete the required pre-admission courses (Pre-Requisites Courses) with a grade of C or higher for each course and a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher for the completed course at the time of applying to the program. All prerequisite courses must be completed before applying to the nursing program with the exception of (one) Anatomy and Physiology course. The other Anatomy and Physiology course must be completed before the start of the program with a "C" or greater.  A higher GPA will receive a higher admission score.  The science courses must be completed within seven years of the start date of the program. 

Required Pre-Admission Courses (Pre-requisite Courses):

*Exception* Only one Human & Physiology course has to be completed at the time of applying to the nursing program. The other one has to be completed with a "C" or greater before the start of the program in the Fall.  *BIO 1010 Biology Foundations, BIO 1004 Biology A Human Approach or BIO 1111 General College Biology  is required before completing BIO 2101 Anatomy and Physiology I at any, Colorado Community College System School.*

  • ENG 1021 English Composition I (3 credits)
  • HPR 1010 Dietary Nutrition (1 credit) or HWE 1050 Human Nutrition (3 credits)
  • BIO 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credits)
  • BIO 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credits)
  • PSY 2440 Human Growth & Development (3 credits)

In order to complete the nursing program General Education Courses must be completed with a C or higher. These courses can be completed during the nursing program but are recommended to be completed before entry into the nursing program. The science courses must be completed within seven years of the start date of the program.

  • BIO 2116 Pathophysiology (4 credits)
  • MAT 1120 Math for Clinical Calculations or higher level math course (3 credits)
  • 3 credit elective in social science

(any 3 credit course listed in the college catalog under Social and Behavioral Sciences to include the categories in History, Economics and Political Systems, Geography, Human Behavior & Social Science  or any guarantee transfer courses (GT) in Arts and Humanities.  GT courses have the + symbol in front of the course listing)

Step 4:  Take the Kaplan Nursing Admissions Exam (it must be completed within 1 year of the start of the program and can only be taken 1 time per year).  Call the NJC Student Success Center at 970-521-6663 for testing dates, and to schedule an appointment. Testing opens in January. Study Guides are available in the Monahan Library and the Student Success Office. Cost of Kaplan Nursing admission exam is $35.

Step 5:  After completion of the pre-requisite courses and the Kaplan Nursing Admissions Exam you may apply to the NJC Nursing program.  You will complete the online application when you choose one of the Apply links at the bottom of this page. Remember to include your unofficial transcripts with your application. 

Note: * Only one Human Anatomy & Physiology course has to be completed at the time of applying to the nursing program. The other one has to be completed with a "C" or greater before the start of the nursing program in the Fall* 

Step 6:  Have official transcripts for the required pre-requisite and general education courses completed at other colleges or universities sent to Northeastern Junior College .

Step 7: You will receive an email confirmation of the receipt of your application. You will also receive a Student Screening Survey for completion.

Step 8:  Have all of the following submitted to NJC or to the Nursing Office by the April 1st preferred application deadline.  Students who have applied to the nursing program on or before April 1st will receive preferential consideration for the August start.  Applications will be taken after the April 1st deadline until the nursing program is at capacity with qualified applicants. 

  • College Application
  • Nursing Program on-line application including unofficial transcript. 
  • Official transcripts for all courses transferred from colleges other than NJC 
    • Students who request to transfer NUR courses from another CCCS college must meet the following criteria:
      •  NUR course grades from other CCCS colleges must be a “C” or higher
      •  Complete a Kaplan competency exam at NJC on content from NUR course and score in the 65th Percentile
  • All pre-requisite courses completed with a Grade Point Average of 2.5 or higher
  • Kaplan Nursing Admission exam 

Step 9: Students who have completed all of the admission criteria will be evaluated and selected based on the total points earned from the Student Screening Survey.  Students will be admitted provisionally until the following have been completed:

  • Satisfactory completion of a short communication assessment
  • Satisfactory Criminal Background Check (Not to be done any earlier than 90 days of start date of program) View Disqualifying offenses
  • Satisfactory completed Health statement/immunizations
  • Negative drug screen
  • Professional CPR Certificate (Certificate must last for the entire two-year program)

Applying for the Nursing Program

You must certify that you have read, understood and complied with the above steps before submitting the application.

Apply to ADN Program

Program Requirements / Classes

Associate Degree Nursing

Associate of Applied Science
67.5 Credits

LPN to Associate Advanced Placement Option

Associate of Applied Science
70.5 Credits

Practical Nursing Certificate Exit Option

50 Credits


Jannifer Brandenburg
Nursing Faculty
Whyman Hall
Jannifer Brandenburg
Julie Brower
Director of Nursing Programs
Whyman Hall- 214
Julie Brower
Kelsey Dillinger
Nursing Faculty
Whyman Hall
Kelsey Dillinger
Jody Kind
Nursing Faculty
Whyman Hall
Jody Kind
Samantha Mahaffey
Nursing Faculty
Whyman Hall-124c
Samantha Mahaffey
Ashley Marostica
Nursing Faculty
Whyman Hall-214D
Ashley Marostica


Tabitha Held
Nursing Life Skills Coach/Program Support
Whyman Hall- 211
Tabitha Held
Alexes Kaiser-Ertle
Administrative Assistant II
Whyman Hall- 214
Alexes Ertle
Liz Krise-Thompson
Nurse Aid Coordinator
Whyman Hall- 202
Liz Krise-Thompson
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar