Student Handbook

6.05 Focus on Community

We realize that each resident is unique with his or her own goals, interests, and needs. At the same time, you must recognize that you are part of a larger group of individuals--a residence hall community. You must challenge yourself to value your own individuality while respecting your fellow community members. Through your interaction with one another, you will be able to establish an environment in which everyone experiences a feeling of cooperation and commitment to the community. The Residence Life staff assists with community building in a variety of ways, including programming to meet social, educational, community service, and health & wellness needs.


Sponsored by your HD and RA, programs are generally educational or social in nature and are designed to continue your learning and self-development outside of the classroom. Programming topics may include resume writing, alcohol awareness, time management, preventing sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Before you start to feel that the residence halls are all work and no play, take comfort in knowing that numerous social programs take place as well, such as Movie Nights, talent shows, eating contests, and much, much more! Below are the philosophical areas that guide the residence hall programming efforts.

Personal Awareness


Emphasizes the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and understanding of one’s self, which helps to make academic and career choices that are consistent with personal strengths, values, and goals.


Emphasizes a positive self-esteem; developing appropriate expression of feelings that are sensitive to the emotions of others; acquiring an awareness of one’s personal belief system or life philosophy that is consistent with daily actions and behaviors.


Encourages a healthy physical lifestyle by showing how proper and improper choices--exercise, nutrition, alcohol/drug use & sleep--affect a person’s body.
Community Awareness


Encourages awareness, understanding, and appreciation of diverse cultures, genders, ethnicity's, religions, ages, and sexual orientation; appreciation for the arts.


Focuses on learning how to build healthy relationships; outlines healthy balances between the needs of self and others; advocates respecting individual rights and contributing to the welfare of the greater community.


Encourages a lifestyle in which individuals live in harmony with their surroundings; advocates understanding how personal behavior/actions impact the community; emphasizes appreciation for one’s surroundings.