Student Handbook

6.09 Safety & Security


If you should be injured or become ill, and you feel your situation needs immediate assistance, contact your Resident Assistant (RA) or Hall Director (HD). Call 9-1-1- of necessary. If your injury or illness does not need immediate attention, you are encouraged to have yourself assessed at the Family Care Clinic (970) 521-3223, located 615 Fairhurst, Sterling, CO or the Banner Health Care Clinic at 102 Hayes Avenue, Sterling, CO. This may prevent aggravation, infection, or other complications. Keep your RA and HD informed of your situation. If an RA or Hall Director deems your condition serious, an ambulance will be called; especially if the student cannot drive themselves and/or Family Care Clinic is closed. Submit an incident report as soon as possible. If you need assistance submitting an incident report, contact the Coordinator of Campus Safety by texting or calling (970) 380-0605 or by emailing him.

Physical/Mental Health

Any person experiencing a mental health crisis should call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline.

At times, a student’s physical and/or mental health can create significant disruptions to the development and maintenance of that community. At this time, the residence life staff may become involved in addressing the student’s health concern. Students may be expected to fulfill certain requirements, such as appointments with a health care provider, medication, or other treatments in order to treat the health issue while remaining in the residence halls. If the circumstances are determined to be more serious in nature, students may be asked to take a Medical Leave of Absence from Northeastern in order to restore their health to a level at which they are fit to live in a community. In these situations, a committee comprised of members from Residence Life, Student Success, and when applicable, Disability Services, will meet to make an informed decision about the student’s fitness to live in a community setting. Any medical leave of absence will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Services before being acted upon.

Building Security

For security purposes, all residence hall entrance doors are locked twenty-four hours a day. Residents may access their respective hall by scanning their student ID. For security reasons the student's ID will only work at the hall where the student is assigned. Do not prop open locked doors, as the practice endangers residents. Disciplinary action may be taken if students are in violation. If you find doors, which are propped, open, please close the door and promptly notify your RA or RHD. Sharing keys and ID’s for building/room entry is forbidden. Additionally, any overnight guests must be approved by the resident hall director.

Checkout Procedure

Each resident agrees to follow the proper checkout procedures when moving out of the assigned hall or relocating to another room or hall. This includes, but is not limited to, removing personally owned furniture and equipment, removing all waste and debris and cleaning the room. In short, the resident should leave the room in the same condition or better as when accepted; reasonable wear and tear expected. If additional cleaning or repair is required after the student checks-out, the resident may be charged cleaning fees. In the event a resident is evicted from a residence hall, she or he will be given written notification and 72 hours (or less) to properly checkout and remove all personal belongings. As described in the Residence Hall Contract, Section 2--General Conditions, #4--Termination of Contract by College, the deposit is forfeited will be liable for the remainder of the contracted room and board charges.


An emergency is defined as when the police, fire, medical, or maintenance staff are needed to provide a necessary service for you or other residents. You should immediately report all emergencies to the Coordinator of Campus Safety and the RHD/RA. If no such staff person can be located, call the appropriate duty cell phone number. The staff member will then assess the situation and call the appropriate personnel, if necessary.

Pursuant to CCCS SP 19-40b, emergency equipment is available throughout the campus. Naloxone is accessible across campus and in the residence halls. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are placed in each academic building. Bleeding control kits are accessible in each residence hall with all AEDs, and in other areas as determined by the NJC Safety & Security Committee. Anaphylaxis injection pens (i.e., EpiPens) are available in each residence hall and all areas where food is served.

Fire Safety Standards

Though extremely rare, the potential for fires is a very real concern. To help protect yourself know the following:

  • Items that require an open flame to operate (candles, incense, etc.) may not be used in your room or in any other area in the hall.
  • Know the location of all fire exits, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers on your floor.
  • Keep stairwell doors closed at all times. Hallway fire doors must be closed in the event of a fire, but may remain open on a day-to-day basis or at the discretion of the hall director.
  • Do not bring firearms, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, or dangerous chemicals (gasoline, paint thinner, etc.) into the residence halls.
  • Halogen lights are prohibited.
  • Plugging one extension cord into another is prohibited.
  • If you need more outlets, use an overload surge cord, rather than a multiple outlet extension cord.
  • Do not cover light fixtures with any combustible materials, such as acetate, cellophane, or tissue.
  • No items may be hung from ceilings in residence hall rooms, and no nails, bolts, screws, etc. should be put in ceilings. Room decorations and furniture should not block visual access into the room from the doorway for safety reasons.
  • Do not cover smoke detectors or emergency lights at any time for any reason.

Fire Evacuation Procedures

Complete and immediate evacuation of your residence hall is required once an alarm has sounded. The Fire Department will be called, and a full building evacuation will take place every time an alarm sounds, even when it is a prank. Disciplinary action will be taken if a building is evacuated due to a prank or directly due to other code of conduct violations.

Safety Prevention Programs

Each residence hall conducts a campus personal safety program each semester and conduct fire drills on a regular basis. Attendance is required of residents. Written materials are made available in each hall lobby which reviews keeping oneself safe on a college campus.


If you feel certain conditions in your residence hall are a hazard to you and other residents, such as lights out in a stairwell, wet stairs, etc., contact your RA, RHD or Campus Safety so that they may remedy the problem. Call 9-1-1 if you observe a hazard that may poses an immediate risk to life or physical safety. 

Loss/Damage To Personal Property

Northeastern is not responsible for personal property lost, stolen, or damaged due to fire, facility failure, severe weather, theft or other incidents. Large sums of money and other valuables should not be kept in your room. The best guard against property loss is always to keep your room door locked. If items are stolen from your room, you should report it to your HD immediately and no more than 24 hours after the incident. For purposes of insurance claims, it is recommended that you file a police report. It is also recommended that you secure insurance for your personal property. Contact your parents to determine if you are covered by their Home Owners insurance.

Personal Security Tips

Your personal security is one of Residence Life’s main concerns. While Northeastern has a number of preventative measures in place to protect you, there are also actions you should take to protect yourself.

  • When walking alone at night stay in well-lighted areas.
  • When you leave your hall, let your roommate know where you are going and when you will return.
  • Be sure that strangers do not follow behind you when you are entering your hall.
  • It is never advisable to hitchhike, regardless of the time of day.
  • If you notice unusual activity on campus, notify your HD or Campus Safety immediately.
  • Should you be the victim of a crime, notify your HD immediately.

Room Entry/Room Search

While your room is your private domain, and you are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures, there are times when College officials and civil authorities may need to enter your room. If the police must enter your room, such action is outside the jurisdiction of Northeastern to prevent entry and/or search.

Your HD or Assistant HD may enter your room in one or more of following circumstances:

  • To remedy a situation that may be disturbing other residents, such as alarm clocks going off, loud stereos and televisions, and open windows.
  • To conduct Health and Safety Inspections, which may include monthly fire safety inspections.
  • To perform maintenance or repair functions in your room.
  • If there is perceived imminent risk to the safety or health of your roommate(s), you, and/or College property.
  • If reasonable suspicion exists that a College procedure is being violated.
  • Conduct pursuant to an administrative search permit authorized by the Vice President of Student Services or his or her designee. Such a permit to search a room must include the following:
  1. The room(s) to be searched.
  2. The regulation(s) allegedly being violated.
  3. The item(s) being sought (if applicable).
  4. The names of those authorized to enter/search.

It is a reasonable and lawful request for your RA, HD, or AHD to ask you to open your door in any situation. Failure to comply is a violation of college procedure.

Securing Your Possessions

There are also certain precautions you can take where your personal property is involved. Below are some helpful suggestions:

  • Keep your room door locked whenever the room is unoccupied.
  • Do not keep excess amounts of cash in your room; Establish a checking/savings account at a local bank.
  • Record the numbers of all credit cards and bank accounts. Also, keep the phone numbers and addresses of these companies and banks so that they may be notified if your cards are lost or stolen.
  • Record the serial numbers of all electrical appliances and of valuable items.
  • If your keys or ID card are lost or stolen, go to the Residence Life Office to get a new set of keys and/or a new ID card. Though there is a charge for the lock change and lost keys, your personal safety is of most importance.
  • It may also be wise to insure your valuables through a Homeowners or Apartment Renters policy.
  • Do not store valuables in your car. To do so is done at your own risk.

Severe Weather

In the event of severe weather, stay tuned to a local radio or TV station for the latest report on weather conditions, or follow emergency notifications via the Northeastern emergency notification system (phone calls, emails, and/or texts). In some cases, Campus Safety will send an "emergency notification" to the campus community announcing the severe weather. If it becomes necessary to take cover, follow the instructions of your RA or HD or other campus personnel. Move in an orderly manner to your shelter area. Do not leave your residence hall unless you are ordered to leave. In your shelter area, sit on the floor with your back to the wall or in the central portion of the room. If a storm strikes, place your head between your knees and cover your head with your hands for protection. Do not leave the shelter area until a Residence Life staff member gives the “all-clear” signal.