Northeastern Junior College Tree Canopy with Odessey
Human Resources

Workers Compensation

Northeastern Junior College is committed to meeting its obligation under Colorado's Workers' Compensation Act to provide medical, rehabilitation, and wage-replacement benefits to employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses.

It is imperative that we all work together to help you return to work as soon as physically possible. Helping employees recover from an injury is in the best interest of both the employee and Northeastern Junior College.

What constitutes an injury?

Any time you are injured or incur an illness coincidental with the job, it is considered a worker's comp. claim. This includes injuries from falling while on campus or falling in the parking lot when arriving or departing from work.

What to do when an injury occurs:

  • If the accident is serious, call 911 or Human Resources at ext. 6730.
  • If the accident is not life or limb threatening, notify your supervisor and go to or contact the Human Resources Office located in Walker Hall.
  • The Human Resources Office will have you fill out a "First Report of Injury" as soon as possible and will provide you information on approved Pinnacol providers for medical treatment, if needed.
  • Ensure that any witnesses also complete a report with the Human Resources Office.

If the injury causes lost time from work:

If the injury causes you to be away from work for at least three days, there will be a lost time injury claim.

  • A human resources representative will contact you to keep informed of your condition and your plans to return to work.
  • Your claims adjuster from the Colorado compensation insurance carrier, Pinnacol Assurance, will contact you to answer any questions you may have about your benefits.
  • You will receive two-thirds of your salary while you are unable to work due to an injury.
  • A light- or modified-duty assignment may be necessary to help you return to work as soon as possible. If this is the case, the Human Resources Manager and your supervisor will work together to determine what is appropriate.

If you have any questions about worker's compensation, please contact a human resources representative at 970-521-6730.


Jeri Estrada
Director-Human Resources
Walker Hall 102
Jeri Estrada
Stacey Nelson
Administrative Assistant III
Bank of Colorado Event Center
Stacey Nelson
Samantha Roberts
Assistant Director - Human Resources
Walker Hall
Samantha Roberts
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar