Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Associated Student Government

All students are encouraged to participate in student clubs and organizations for their personal growth and recreation. The Hays Student Center has student-designated areas such as the Legislative Chambers, the Student Government Office, and various meeting rooms and lounges. Northeastern recognizes the satisfaction and the contribution to personal and social development from participation in group activities outside the classroom. The central control system of student activities is placed in the hands of the students through their duly elected representatives in the Associated Students of Northeastern, which includes all students and operates under a constitution adopted by students.


Membership includes every member of the student body. Associated Student Government of Northeastern is headed by officers elected by the student body and functions through representatives of the academic divisions and chartered organizations. Any member of the Associated Students of Northeastern is welcome to attend the weekly meetings of ASG and may participate in the business meeting. ASG concerns itself with student affairs and campus life.


The Campus Activities Board is composed of representatives from all organizations on campus and is chaired by the second vice president of the ASG. This board correlates campus activities and allocates student activity funds set aside by Student Senate for campus life.


The Student Senate is composed of full-time students elected proportionally from the academic and occupational divisions of the college and headed by the first vice president of ASG. Its responsibilities include legislation concerning all students and allocation of student activity funds to Campus Activities Board for student activities and all other expenditures, including publications and special requests.