Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

Monahan Learning Center

The Monahan Learning Center (MLC), located in Knowles Hall, meets the individual academic needs of any Northeastern student. The MLC staff is committed to every student's success regardless of their major or subject area.

The MLC provides academic and personal support services to approximately 1,300 students yearly, including preparatory classes, workshops, study groups, personal tutoring, and accommodations for disabilities.

A full-time, professional staff provides a friendly atmosphere where students can work one-on-one and in small groups to help students achieve the best possible academic performance. Professional Instructional Specialists tutor students in all majors for courses offered on the Northeastern campus.

Students selected for their high-grade point averages and demonstrated academic performance in their majors provide high-quality tutoring services from a student-to-student point of view.

The MLC offers a computer lab with internet access, word processing, other software programs, and printers for student use.

Personal Tutoring

Personal tutoring may be scheduled with either Instructional Specialists or Learning Assistants. Tutoring appointments typically run 30-50 minutes and focus on course subject matter, test preparation, and study skills. Surveys show that students consider tutoring a key to academic success. Study groups and personal tutoring are based on student preparation for each session and active student participation. Personal tutoring has enhanced the success of students in upper-level courses, including biology, chemistry, and advanced mathematics. Students may make tutoring appointments in person or by calling the MLC at (970) 521-6791. One-time and permanent appointments are available.

Study Groups

When several students in the same class request academic assistance, Instructional Specialists and Learning Assistants form small study groups. The groups may occasionally meet—just before exams and major assignments—or on a regular, weekly basis.

The study groups require that students prepare for each session (completing reading assignments or textbook exercises) and participate in discussions. Historically, study groups have greatly enhanced student success in challenging subjects such as sociology, psychology, and algebra.

Excel Center

The Excel Center offers drop-in math and writing assistance without requiring an appointment. Instructional Specialists and faculty members staff the Excel Center during set hours so that students can utilize help on math homework, preparing for a math test, or receiving writing consultation throughout all stages of their writing projects. 


Workshops offered in the MLC, in residence halls, and in classes at faculty request, provide students opportunities to learn strategies for time management, test-taking, memory improvement, and other topics such as resume writing, decision-making, and financial literacy.

Accommodations for Disabilities

Northeastern is committed to serving students with disabilities. The MLC’s Transition Specialist works with students to document their disabilities and make accommodations so that students can pursue their chosen program of study. Students who have received special services for disabilities during their K-12 school years or at other institutions are strongly encouraged to contact the Transition Specialist.

Students must take two critical steps to receive accommodations for disabilities: 1) identify themselves as disabled students and 2) provide documentation, if available, of their disabilities. To complete these steps, students should contact the Transition Specialist at 970-521-6727.

Library Services

The MLC houses a comprehensive library collection of approximately 35,000 published, recorded, and electronic items to help students complete assignments and expand their educational opportunities. These materials include books, DVDs, videotapes, compact discs, pamphlets, microforms, over 70,000 eBook titles, and various full-text online databases. The MLC subscribes to 98 periodicals, including local and regional newspapers. Kindles are also available for checkout.

The MLC provides a computerized online library catalog, which can be accessed via the Northeastern web page.

Material not owned by the MLC can be ordered electronically through inter-library loans. Periodical articles are generally procured within 2-3 business days. In addition, courier deliveries expedite inter-library loans of books and other materials from surrounding libraries. Inter-library loan services are free to Northeastern students.

Library technicians are available for reference assistance. Instruction tutorials for the web catalog and databases are available at Library/Tutorials.