Northeastern Junior College 2024-2025 Catalog

College Sanctions

  1. Dismissal
    Dismissal is the permanent separation of the student from the college. Notification will appear on the student’s transcript. The student will be barred from the college premises. Dismissal from college requires a College Hearing Board review with an optional review by the President to alter, defer, or withhold dismissal.
  2. Suspension
    Suspension is separation of the student from the college for a specific period of time (no longer than two semesters). Permanent notification will appear on the student’s transcript. The student may not participate in any college-sponsored activity and may be barred from college premises. The chief judicial officer enacts suspension and this action may be reviewed by an appeal to the College Hearing Board.
  3. Interim Action
    The chief judicial officer or a designee may suspend a student for an interim period pending judicial proceedings or medical evaluation. Interim action can be enacted any time without prior notice. Interim action can be enacted when there is reasonable evidence that the continued presence of the student on the college campus and enrolled in college classes poses a substantial threat to themselves, other students, faculty, any college official, or the stability and continuance of normal college functions.
  4. Disciplinary Probation
    Disciplinary Probation restricts a student from representing the college in any extracurricular activity or run for/hold office in any student group or organization. Institutional scholarship support will be withheld as well as additional restrictions or conditions may be imposed. There are three levels of Disciplinary Probation with distinct sanction differences.
  5. Disciplinary Warning
    Disciplinary Warning communicates to the student that further misconduct will result in stricter judicial sanctions. A warning shall be used only once per term.
  6. Restitution
    The student is required to make payment to the college or other persons, groups, or organizations for damages incurred as a result of a violation of this code. Restitution is required for vandalism, theft, payment for repair, cleaning charge, services rendered, and loss and destruction of equipment. Fines for violations are considered restitution.
  7. Eviction
    A student residing in a residence hall may be evicted as a result of a specific violation of this code. Eviction requires immediate removal of all belongings and completion of checkout procedures with maintenance and housing.
    Monetary penalties will be assessed to include and are not limited to, breakage of contract fee, general hall or room damages, and room deposit. An evicted student may continue present enrollment in classes, but will be restricted from one or all residence halls and/or the college cafeteria.  The chief judicial officer must give notice of eviction.
  8. Educational Sanctions
    Educational sanctions may be imposed by the Residence Hall Director, Director of Student Life, or Vice President of Student Services in addition to sanctions assigned by policy. The monitoring of the completion of educational sanctions will be centrally reported to the Vice President of Student Services office for follow up and reporting.