Northeastern Junior College
Safety & Security

General Safety and Emergencies

Emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. An attitude of Situational Awareness is one of the most important tools in being prepared to react properly during an emergency. Take note of the General Safety & Security Guidelines and contact Campus & Security for more information at 970-521-6683.

Emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. An attitude of Situational Awareness is one of the most important tools in being prepared to react properly during an emergency. You play an important role in not only your Safety & Security, but for those you interact with on a daily basis. Contact Campus & Security for more information and training resources at 970-521-6683. Always call 911 as soon as possible in any Emergency.

During any type of emergency, the Northeastern community will initially receive information via the Emergency Notification System, as well as the colleges social media sites, the website news feed and news outlets. All students, faculty and staff are advised to sign up for emergency notifications and to download the NJC Alert Mobile app which has many resources available at the touch of a button. Emergency Notification updates will be send via the app as well.

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Mobile Alerts

Emergency safety guidelines start with the Standard Response Protocol: SRP Chart

Active Shooter Training

Bomb Threat

Bomb Threat Checklist

Suspicious Packages Training Sheet

General Safety and Security

Situational Awareness is key, consider the following tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Look to see who's in front of and behind you. Do not allow strangers or non-residents into your residence hall. Never prop doors that lead to residential areas and rooms, and never share your ID card or key with anyone. 
  • If you see a suspicious person or vehicle, immediately contact an RA or Hall Director, Campus Safety & Security, or call 911.
  • Travel in pairs or groups whenever possible, particularly at night.
  • Stay away from dimly lit or isolated areas.
  • If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, request that an RA escort you to your destination.
  • Lock your doors and windows. Students must lock their room doors and windows at all times in order to prevent thefts, even if you’ll only be gone for a few minutes. A few minutes are all a thief needs to slip in and steal valuables.
  • Lock your door when you leave and take your keys with you, no matter how short a time you may be gone - even when you go to the restroom.
  • Lock your door when you and your roommate are sleeping.
  • Be sure to secure all windows before leaving your room.
  • Keep your room key on a key chain; a loose key in a pocket is easily lost.
  • Check the peephole before opening your door — even if you are expecting someone.
  • If you suspect that an intruder has been in your room, do not touch anything, and call your RA, Hall Director or Campus Safety & Security immediately.
  • Do not prop open any exterior locked doors. Even though propping the doors makes it easier for you to get back in, you also have made it easier for an unauthorized person to enter the building. For the safety of yourself and others in the residence halls, do not prop open any residence hall doors because you don't know whom you may be letting in.
  • Do not leave notes on your door stating that no one is home or when you will return, it's an open invitation to a theft.
  • Keep wallets, purses, checkbooks and jewelry out of sight and locked up if possible. Use inexpensive "costume" jewelry if possible. Do not keep large sums of money on hand, and routinely check your checkbook to see if any checks are missing. Keep ATM cards, credit cards, etc. in a safe place. Do not leave them lying out in the open. Never leave them on a dresser near your door. It takes less than 10 seconds to look into your open room and steal items from a dresser near the door.
  • Keep a record of all your valuable items, noting descriptions, serial numbers, and approximate dollar values of all items. These records should be kept in a secure location.
  • Check with your parents' insurance company to see if your property is covered under their homeowners policy while you are attending school.
  • Do not loan your keys to anyone and do not attach your keys to your college ID.
  • Do not allow strangers into your room.
  • Do not open your door unless you know who is on the other side, especially at night.
  • Your RA's and Hall Directors are all excellent sources for advice on problems in your hall.
  • Always lock your door, especially when you are just “going down the hall for a moment”.
  • Lock doors and windows when you are alone or sleeping.
  • Enter emergency numbers into your phone.
  • Do not give your access card or room key to anyone.
  • Avoid traveling alone at night.
  • Confine walking to well-lit, regular traveled walks and pathways. Avoid shortcuts and keep away from shrubbery, bushes, alleyways, or any other areas where an assailant might be lurking.
  • Avoid the athletic fields and tennis courts after dark.
  • Do not accept rides from casual acquaintances.
  • When walking to your vehicle or residence, have your keys ready in hand.
  • When being dropped off by taxi or private vehicle, ask the driver to wait until you get inside.
  • If threatened by an approaching vehicle, run in the opposite direction. The vehicle will have to turn around in order to pursue you.
  • When getting out of a car, take a look around to make sure that you are not being followed.
  • If you think you are being followed, cross the street and, if necessary, keep crossing back and forth. If you are pursued, call for help and run to a campus building, business, residence, enlist the aid of a passerby, flag down a passing motorist, or as a last resort pull a fire alarm. Do anything that might attract attention or summon assistance. If you are walking alone and someone passes you, check to be sure that person has continued walking in the other direction.
  • If you find yourself confronted by an assailant you must remember that while screaming and struggling may in some instances frighten off the assailant, in other instances you may further antagonize the assailant and bring forth a more violent reaction. Above all you must keep your head and assess the situation before choosing your course of action. Whether or not the assailant is armed or has made threats against your life should be a determining factor in your decision. The key word in this type of situation is survival.


Andrew De Souza
Coordinator of Campus Safety
970-380-0605 (mobile)
Hays Student Center
Andrew De Souza
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