Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

NP 3-31c – Appendix C - Faculty Position Description

Faculty Position Description

Position Description: Faculty Member

Department: As appropriate             Position: ______                     Term: 163 days

Supervisor: Dept. Chair/Director    Colo. Personnel System: Faculty

Funding: General Fund – 100%       FLSA Classification: 541.204 Educ. Exemption

Job Description:  Faculty members are expected to support the mission, vision, philosophy, and goals of the college. Faculty members are expected to create equitable, positive, and active learning environments in their classrooms and laboratories. They should have high expectations of their students and themselves. Faculty members must realize that they contribute directly to student success, retention, transfer, and graduation based on their abilities in the classroom. They must demonstrate equity and inclusion skills by treating all students equitably and with respect.  Faculty members must understand that students have different learning styles and must strive to provide variation in their teaching methods so that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed. They must cooperate with other faculty, staff, and the community to make it possible for NJC to achieve its stated vision and philosophy. 

Overview of Duties:

The NJC faculty member is expected to:

  1. Teach a minimum of 30 credits or 38 contact hours per academic year.
  2. Provide effective classroom instruction as measured by the student success and persistence rates. This responsibility involves preparation and planning, both long-range and immediate; understanding application of sound professional teaching methods; understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion as it relates to teaching and learning; and the development and maintenance of effective student, faculty, and community relationships.  Faculty members must demonstrate an ability to inspire students to learn.
  3. Consult with the Department Chair/Director with regard to materials needed for classroom instruction including changes of texts, eBooks, and other digital content.
  4. Willingly accept certain other duties as required by the state of Colorado and Northeastern Junior College.  These include academic advising, committee work, and campus participation beyond the classroom (sponsoring activities/groups, student clubs, etc.).
  5. Embrace their role as an academic advisor, including becoming familiar with the NJC academic advising philosophy, programs, graduation requirements, college services, processes, procedures, placement scores and other placement methods, transferability of courses, career opportunities, etc. More specific information is available from their Department Chair/Director or Student Services.
  6. Maintain a primary teaching assignment area.  This assignment includes working with students, generally in their own major field of specialization.
  7. Accept responsibility for learning about, contributing to, and supporting the assessment of student academic achievement at the college, program, and course level.
  8. Be acquainted with and observe practices and procedures set out in NP 3-31: Evaluation of Faculty Performance.
  9. Dedicate a minimum of 40 hours of work per week, including working on campus a minimum of six hours per day, excluding lunch.
  10. Be available to students for a minimum of six (6) hours per week in set office hours. Office hours must occur Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and are to be noted in the faculty member's Outlook calendar.
  11. Attend college, department, and program meetings.
  12. Facilitate regular communications by reading all email messages, listening to telephone voice messages, and responding in a timely fashion.
  13. File copies of course syllabi for all classes with their Department Chair/Director and Administrative Assistant within the first two weeks of the start of the course.
  14. Maintain effective security measures with regard to examinations and testing materials.
  15. Utilize the college’s Learning Management System (Desire-to-Learn - D2L aka Brightspace) for all courses and maintain student grades in the D2L gradebook. Grades must be posted to D2L in a timely manner in order to keep students informed of their progress and grade status throughout the course. Instructors must record student information and grades in a confidential way so as to protect the student’s identity.
  16. Report no-show attendance, early alert, mid-term grades, and final grades according to announced deadlines. 
  17. Follow the published final exam schedule.  The appropriate Department Chair/Director must approve any variation.
  18. Become acquainted with library materials and audio-visual aids that are available to improve teaching.
  19. Become familiar with the statewide course content templates for each course they teach as listed on the CCCS Common Course Numbering website.  
  20. Submit estimates for materials or other expenditures according to budget preparation schedule in the faculty member’s instructional area.
  21. Assist in publicizing newsworthy activities by providing timely information to the College Communications Director.
  22. Help in the preparation of brochures and other promotional materials dealing with their subject matter area, as requested.
  23. Cooperate with Student Guidance & Assessment Services by making reports on academic advisees as requested.
  24. Report personal absences to the Department Chair/Director as soon as the faculty member knows it will be impossible to attend work.
  25. Document the last date of attendance and/or last date of class activity for all students.
  26. Supply evidence of teaching effectiveness and college service to his or her Department Chair/Director annually by completing all aspects and phases of the faculty performance and evaluation document by the stated deadlines.
  27. Participate in graduation ceremonies.
  28. Be familiar with emergency response plans and procedures.
  29. Complete trainings required by the college or state system by the provided deadlines.
  30. Adhere to established guidelines for preparing and posting materials to course shells, web pages, etc.
  31. Other duties as assigned.


This position is evaluated annually by the appropriate Department Chair/Director using the Faculty Performance and Evaluation Form.


  1. Hold the appropriate degrees and credentials required for the discipline or position.
  2. Have the work/teaching experience required for the discipline or position.
  3. Career & Technical (CTE) faculty must have, or be able to qualify for a CTE credential.
  4. Demonstrate excellent presentation and facilitation skills.
  5. Display a willingness and ability to incorporate equitable teaching practices and create inclusive learning environments.
  6. Have knowledge and experience with computer technology including classroom/teaching technology.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in a variety of settings.
  8. Must be a United States citizen and be able to demonstrate verbal and written proficiency in the English language.
  9. Must submit to and successfully complete a post-offer, pre-employment background check as a condition of hire.

Appointment: 163 days

It is the policy of NJC to recruit, hire and promote for all positions without regard to race religion, color, national origin, sex, age or physical disability.  All employment decisions are based on the qualifications of each individual.  No person shall be denied equal treatment as a result of a College practice or policy.  NJC is committed to racial, cultural and ethnic diversity.  AA/EEO Employer.

Effective 02/2006; updated 06/2016, 10/2020, 5/2022