Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

NP 3-31e - Appendix E - Long Observation Form

Supervisor Evaluation - Dean In-Class





Course Number/Section




Number of Students when Class is Observed


Date of Visit




Bullets beneath each item are some of the significant indicators of effective teaching. This form is intended to be used as a guide while conducting a class observation and there is no implied requirement that each item be observed during an observation.


General Comments








A.    Instructor Appears to Be an Effective Teacher



  • Uses current andragogy
  • Provides evidence of being current in respective discipline
  • Applies appropriate technology
  • Makes class come alive
  • Projects positive attitude
  • Models appropriate professional and ethical behavior
  • Appropriately presents divergent viewpoints
  • Uses examples drawn from students' experience
  • Offers well-organized presentation
  • Uses various strategies to accommodate different learning styles.






B. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


  • The instructor creates an inclusive classroom environment.
  • There is evidence of culturally responsive materials used.
  • There is demonstrated equity in the instructors’ interactions with students.
  • There are opportunities to for students to share their unique perspective.
  • There is demonstrated equity in the instructors’ projects and assignments given to the students.




C.    Instructor presents relevant material and stresses important points.



  • Reviews previous material as necessary.
  • Specifies student responsibilities clearly (assignments, in-class participation, projects, etc.)
  • Meets objectives for that class session
  • Relates examples to the subject matter
  • Relates answers to the specific class
  • Relates presentation to objectives for the session and syllabus
  • Appropriately relates time to task
  • Uses effective summaries & re-teaches when necessary
  • Uses effective transitions






  1. Instructor gives clear explanations and answers questions precisely.


  • Identifies & clarifies student's points of confusion
  • Monitors student learning
  • Check non verbal responses
  • Gives prompt and constructive feedback
  • Notes and responds to signs of puzzlement, boredom, curiosity, etc.












  1. Instructor shows evidence of student/teacher rapport.


  • Greets students as they arrive
  • Refers to students by name
  • Creates atmosphere of cooperation
  • Creates climate of mutual respect
  • Accepts reasonable opposition as valid
  • Evidence good listening skills
  • Shows respect for everyone
  • Establishes eye contact with as many students as possible
  • Talks to students, not to board, windows or floor
  • Uses wit and humor where appropriate










  1. Instructor accommodates the learning environment of the classroom.



  • Speaks audibly and clearly with expression and variety of tone and voice
  • Speaks at a rate which accommodates student note-taking
  • Moves around room to engage all students
  • Makes instructional aids visible to all students in the room
  • Shows evidence of class control and management
  • Makes supplementary materials readily available






  1. Instructor promotes critical thinking in an interactive learning environment.



  • Uses demonstrations effectively
  • Involves students in discussions
  • Encourages/facilitates critical thinking skills for observation, analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation
  • Communicates high expectations
  • Asks higher level and leading questions as appropriate















Signature of Evaluator

