Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

Area of Study Option specific fields

Also known as degree requirements

The title of an Area of Study Option should be the official degree title.

Select the degree or certificate

Course groupings have quite a bit of flexibility. There are body fields available above and below the course selection area. As well as the ability to put in a basic block for any informational needs. Equine Science made great use of a basic block to display the learning outcomes prior to displaying the courses involved in the program.

image showing equine's use of a basic block to display learning outcomes prior to courses

The basic block option is near the bottom of the form with a button "Add Basic Block". This would be added and then it can be dragged to the desired location.

image of the available course groupings

In the "Course Grouping" block, add any intro copy you need, Select the category for this course grouping.

Credit Hours are optional.

Enter any copy that you want below the courses in the "Course Grouping Footer Copy".

Add the desired courses in the Course field by typing the prefix and number such as ASC102, the system will find the course in the database and provide the node id number. Click on the course that appears below the entry field. If you type in the course prefix and number but do not select the matching returned value, the system will not recognize your entry.

All courses that we officially offer are in the website database along with the long description, credit hours and GT identification where applicable. If the course you are wanting does not appear, please contact a website administrator for assistance.

You can add as many courses to a block as you need. If an applicable course is any selection from a GT category, add that information in the footer with a link to the GT listing.

Additional Course groupings can be added by clicking the "Add Course Grouping" button.

When completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and change the transition state from "Keep in Draft" to "Request Review". This will send an email to start the approval process.