Northeastern Policies and Legal Notices

Event specific fields

Events can be created internally or externally.
image of the page

Anyone can submit events for publishing on the website. The event must be published by website administration and may use discretion when publishing external events. The fields are consistent between internal and external submission with the exception of providing images. If anyone submits an event through the "Submit an Event" button and has an image for that event, please email it to, so that it can be prepared prior to publishing. Images that have been compressed to extra small or small for texting or emailing are too small for display on the website with sufficient quality.

Include the Title of the event, Short description to be used for teaser content and a full detailed description.

Events that happen on a single date can be submitted through the website. Events with multiple dates would need to be entered by a user that is logged in. Individuals who don't have any editing rights can email for assistance in this area.

There are fields for location, sponsor, contact information, registration deadline, cost, and an URL for more information can be included.

image of tagging area of events

Events can be tagged for Athletics, Community, Faculty & Staff, Performing/Visual Arts and Student.

That allows the reader to filter the event calendar to just those activities using the tool under the calendar.

Events can be promoted to any Organization or Area of Study. Website Administration shall determine what events get promoted to the home page.